My trip to the Labor and Delivery ward today…
For the record, I'm 36 weeks 2 days, so technically 5 days until this baby isn't a "preemie," and about 26 days until my due date. So I went to my regular OB appointment today... My blood pressure was 156/94, that's BAD. I'm spilling protein, another bad... Not having any other signs of pre-eclampsia/toxemia though, no liver pain, no headaches or major vision problems out of the ordinary. They took my blood pressure again, it was still high at 142/92. So they sent me over to the hospital. I'm still 2 CM dilated, and 30% effaced, and I'm at -3 station, I was 2 cm dilated 30% effaced and -1 station last week. Baby is in the best position to be born though. I was not surprised that my BP…