How dare that weasely rodent…

Animals, Humor, Me, Winter Blues
...not predict an early spring!?!  The audacity. Six more weeks of winter, predicts groundhog Punxsutawney Phil I'm DONE with winter.  DONE.  Sure it's my first time dealing with real winter for more than a week at a time in 6 years, but please! Hahaha!  I've done my time with unbearably hot summers, so it should work out.  This next summer had ought to be mild with lots of rain.  I may just cry if not. Haha, had to add this.  Utah's "Groundhog." Never Mind the Groundhog, How About the Prairie Dog?
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Merrily we roll along…

Aiden, Baby Joey, Birthdays, Family, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Me, Memories, Michael
Life is just going along.  This week was a busy one.  This week Kevin finally had his training for his new job (they threw him into it for the last two months without the formal training), and spent most of the days at work training, towards the ends of the work-days he was still responsible for his normal work routine, so he kept positively busy. The week began with Kevin taking a pre-test for one of his classes, and cramming for the following exam, on Wednesday he took and passed his Microsoft OS XP Certification Exam, Kevin said that some people told him that if he could use Microsoft OS, he'd be fine, but he had to study hard, and it was more complicated than it sounded.  On Thursday Kevin…
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What a wonderful year it’s been!

Baby Joey, Family, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Pictures, To new beginnings
Many wonderful things have happened in our family this past 366 days, I maintained a blog (which I'm lagging on, LOL!), Michael finished Kindergarten, had his first summer break, and started first grade, Aiden more than tripled his vocabulary (though I'm still the only one that understands most of it), Kevin started a new job, we moved to Utah, but most importantly, our family grew by one VERY important member, and he's brought nothing but joy to each of us since the moment he came. Today is Joseph's First Birthday! I can't begin to express the love I have for this little boy.  When I hold him I can't help but kiss him and squeeze him and just smile from all the happiness that overflows from him.  I adore and…
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re-cap of the last two months Part II

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Pictures
We celebrated Aiden's 4th birthday! We had Aiden's Birthday party, he decided he wanted a candy mountain cake...  That's what it looked like...  A mountain of candy.  He loved it so that's all that matters. We had a rainbow pinyata, and I think everyone had a great time. We had LOTS of dinners at the Steele's and have enjoyed lots of time with both of our families.  One weekend when Mom and Dad Steele were out of town I think, we met up with Kevin's little brother and sister at Arctic Circle and let the kids play, fun times and good shakes. We had our first heavy snow, the boys LOVED going out in playing in it, but haven't been back out really yet, LOL!  Sadly I haven't taken any…
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re-cap of the last two months Part III

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family, Family Fun, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures
We hosted the annual Andersen Family Christmas party over at the Stake house.  I hosted a little studio, but haven't had much of a chance to look over the results.  I haven't had much of a chance for any picture stuff...  I'd better find some.  Joey played Jesus in the Nativity, he was pretty good about it, but I'm pretty sure he was kinda confused about all the fuss and costumes. My identity was stolen.  Yuck. We had a wonderful Christmas.  I was giddy over my gift for my brother (we draw names in my family) I got him a little foam airplane (think the kind Aiden would adore), and three t-shirts.  He opened it and tried to look thrilled.  Hahaha!  I'm so mean! Then I said "oh yeah, there's…
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I’m here!

Aiden, Family Fun, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Me, Move to Utah, Pictures, To new beginnings
OK, I've been a slacker, but I'm having fun!  Doing photos (still taking sessions, call me), having birthday's and birthday parties, Christmas prep, and just all around having a blast with our families.  Throw in a migraine or 10 (3 me, 7 Kevin) and that just about sums it up. Oh, other than the job, that's going well, Kevin really likes the new guys, don't get me wrong, (in case anyone's reading this from Baylor) nobody could replace his Baylor people, but this is another GREAT group of people, and I think he's beginning to feel like he could really fit in.  They certainly have a great sense of humor. :) Bug me about pics if you wanna see them, cause I don't know if it's going to happen otherwise,…
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Bella and Edward in Utah

Aiden, Baby Joey, Bella and Edward, Church, Family, Family Fun, Health Concerns, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Twilight
OK, maybe not all together, LOL! Wednesday morning Joseph, Aiden and Michael set out on our trip up to Utah.  We got on our first flight without too much stress (heaven bless whoever invented a good double stroller), and we sat down to get settled on our first flight (that's right, we had a layover) As soon as I was settled a Man came down the isle with a little girl and a wife with a baby girl.  As soon as they sat down the woman started hyperventilating and stressing about a flight with two kids...  Um yeah lady, I had to bite my tongue to not tell her to find 4 more kids, or add a kid and loose the husband, and then complain...  Soon after we took off the husband asked me why I'd fly alone with…
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Halloween Costumes

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family, Family Fun, Games, Health Concerns, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Pictures, The end is near
In the spirit of blogging, and since I'm so picture obsessed, it's only fair, regardless of other circumstances, to share some Halloween snapshots.  Friday was the day we made our final decisions on the job and move, so it was a BIG day in many ways! We went to the ward "Trunk-or-treat," and had a great time. Michael was our "Soccer 'ball' Player"  I got the outfit at the AF DI, on our trip last month, and hoped he'd latch onto the "basketball player" idea, he didn't, after three weeks of 5 different ideas a week, we went to Traders Village, and ran across some soccer balls, he decided he wanted to be a "Soccer 'ball' Player" (the "ball" addition all his own), but when it came down to time…
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Photo Update!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Pictures, Vacation
Wow, a week and a half with no blogging, haha. OK, I've FINALLY got all my images for the last month on my computer and can start processing!!!!  Whooo hooo!!!  It's been a crazy few weeks... So first I've got my two paid sessions to process packaged and delivered, then I can start working on my freebie photo shoots (family portraits, Dallin's Sr. Portraits, a couple from Sam's Endowment night, and the Gilberts), and a few tries for Michael's First grade portrait, and Aiden's 4 year old portrait.  Some other highlights, Nate returning, Sunrise over Mt. Timpanogos, Zoo trips, seeing David and Amanda, hmm what else?  I guess it's a surprise, LOL! A few quick previews before I dive off the net and into these projects~ Do you think she…
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