What a wonderful year it’s been!

Many wonderful things have happened in our family this past 366 days, I maintained a blog (which I’m lagging on, LOL!), Michael finished Kindergarten, had his first summer break, and started first grade, Aiden more than tripled his vocabulary (though I’m still the only one that understands most of it), Kevin started a new job, we moved to Utah, but most importantly, our family grew by one VERY important member, and he’s brought nothing but joy to each of us since the moment he came.

Today is Joseph’s First Birthday!

I can’t begin to express the love I have for this little boy.  When I hold him I can’t help but kiss him and squeeze him and just smile from all the happiness that overflows from him.  I adore and love my other boys to pieces, and I can’t say I love any one more than another, but Joey is such a little beam of light for all of us it’s hard not to just grin when you see his happy little smile.

First birthdays are a hard thing for me.  It is in a BIG way an end to an era.  A sad way for me.  While it’s a joy to watch my boys grow and learn like they should it’s heartbreaking as a mother to know that with every day they gain a little more freedom, and a little more independence.  I want these things for my children, but it’s sad to see the baby days fall through my fingers like a handful of sand, I just wish I could grip onto them for just a little bit longer, but it seems that the harder I try the faster they go.  Thank goodness for pictures.  I totally have a BIG knot in my throat as I type this.

So for any of you wondering why on earth my baby has such long hair, sorry, it’s just the way I cope with fleeting infancy.  Their little heads never look so babyish once they get that first haircut, so I hold off till the last possible minute.  I gave both Michael and Aiden theirs at 18 months, and plan on doing the same with Joey, so mark your calanders, he’ll getting it cut on or around July 14th.  LOL!

Tonight we had a simple little gathering for him at my in-laws house, we just gathered to sing to him, blow out his candle, watch him inhale a cupcake, and eat cake and ice cream.  It was simple and quiet, well accept for the 4 and 6 year olds, but no amount of dreaming could keep them quiet for a night with sugar. 🙂  I’m used to, and kinda prefer as small fanfare as possible for the big first birthday, but living with family, and more down the block, that would be rude and impossible, so we just kept it as small as possible, and even a few of those living closest weren’t able to make it.

Grandma Karen (and a few other helpers) got him to smile for me (like that’s hard, hahaha!).

We had cherry chip cupcakes with vanilla frosting.  Don’t look too closely, I need more cupcake practice, LOL!  Maybe I should leave cake making up to other people.

I think I did good enough for him. 🙂

He needed a little help to blow them out, actually Aiden tried, still burning, Michael tried, still lit, and finally Jared blew it out.  I promise it’s not a trick candle!  LOL!  Joey looked a little concerned that nobody was going to be able to blow it out, JK, he probably was wondering what on earth was going on.

What is this sticky mess?

I think, maybe it’s edible.

Yup, it’s edible.

And it’s YUMMY!

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