Life is just going along. This week was a busy one. This week Kevin finally had his training for his new job (they threw him into it for the last two months without the formal training), and spent most of the days at work training, towards the ends of the work-days he was still responsible for his normal work routine, so he kept positively busy.
The week began with Kevin taking a pre-test for one of his classes, and cramming for the following exam, on Wednesday he took and passed his Microsoft OS XP Certification Exam, Kevin said that some people told him that if he could use Microsoft OS, he’d be fine, but he had to study hard, and it was more complicated than it sounded. On Thursday Kevin took the pre-test for his next class, CIW site designer, and is excited to immerse himself in the new curriculum. Hopefully that means that I get a newer easier set of websites soon, hint hint hunny! 😉 If we could EVER get some time to sit down together and work through it I think we could do pretty well for ourselves. Friday morning Kevin took and passed his CLE Certification, making him a Certified LanDesk Engineer. Week of tests DONE!
So when we finally get a little more Daddy time, Mommy can finally focus on getting January’s two weddings processed and finished… LOVING it, but having a hard time with the time and sometimes frustrating computer issues involved.
For those not familiar with our situation we’re staying in my parents large basement family room until we can find and get into a place of our own again. Earlier this week my Mom suggested a few changes in our room that she thought would help make our room more functional. Michael had been sick a lot (now he just has a nasty residual cough), so he was home some. So one morning I got the ‘make-a-change’ bug while trying to clean my room, and went ahead and moved our wall of boxes splitting the room further into the boys side (each side has it’s own door, and all they do is sleep over there anyways), and move our bed against the wall, making our room a more functional family room as well as our bedroom and computer room, also making room to move the lazy-boy, left in the room from before we moved in, to be usable, and an asset instead of in the way. It’s been nice, and we’ve already enjoyed family time here, and there’s room for the boys to play now while Kevin and I get some work done.
Friday morning I got a call from my Mother-in-Law Peggy, asking if Kevin and I would like for her and Dad to take the boys so that we could go on a date. That sounded awesome! Kevin gets home at around 6:40 at the earliest, it takes us at very least 20 minutes to get over there (even though it’s just down the road, and even if I have the boys bundled and ready), and we love to chat so much with them we can never drop the boys and run, plus their bed time is 8. So after thinking about it and discussing it with Kevin we decided to see if it would be OK with his parents if we spent the night, so that we could have more than a half hour on our date, and let the boys have a little extra fun too.
We finally got over to there at about 7:20, chatted until about 7:40, and I didn’t realize it but they had held back dinner so that the boys could eat with them (they’d had PBJ’s), so it was a late dinner over there for them (sorry to my very hungry teenage BIL Dallin).
Kevin and I went out, and almost got hit by a big truck driven by a kid that tried to run a stop sign. He honked and yelled obscenities at us, his passengers looked embarrassed… If his parents even knew… I was suddenly in a very bad mood, and my mind couldn’t help but to realize how hurt we could have been by that monstrous truck t-boning our little car. I was suddenly in a very bad mood and wanted to go home and climb into bed. I took a few deep breaths, and tried to enjoy the evening.
We ended up going to a romantic little Italian restaurant, and I’m so glad we did. The trauma was soon forgotten, and the atmosphere was just right, and we enjoyed sitting and chatting. Afterward we couldn’t think of anything we wanted to do enough to spend money on it, so we were back home by 9:30! LOL! The boys were still awake, which was fine, and we helped them get settled in and enjoyed hanging out with Kevin’s side of our family, like we haven’t been able to in ages! I think we stayed up ’till midnight chatting and sharing (BTW, funny B Movie, ‘Hercules in New York,’ it’s Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the beginning when his stage name was Arnold Strong, and they dubbed his voice with an American accent, 30 minutes in there’s a bear fights that’s beyond comical, check it out on
Saturday Morning we slowly got up, and decided that since we haven’t had a lot of family time lately, and we tried to have regular Saturday family outings in Texas, and haven’t been able to do it as much to have an IKEA day. 😀 We were excited when Mark, Peggy, Shelly and Dallin decided to come with us! This weekend was free breakfast day at IKEA, so sadly everyone in the state showed up, but we had a blast anyway!
Today is my “little” brother Jason’s 25th Birthday, so we’re so excited for him! Can you beleive we have 11 people living here right now!?! What a birthday! It seems like we’re having them every couple of weeks right now! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON!
I’m going gaga over having my own place, but we need to wait for a few things out of our control, to come together before making the main decisions about our next home. So in the meantime, I’m educating myself on decorating and gathering up ideas, and educating myself. It’s a little obsessive and I’m scaring Kevin and my Mom a bit, I get the feeling they think I want to go spend a few hundred thousand on stuff, but since I can’t do anything at the moment, I just want to be ready and go over lots of ideas, and have a good grip on what I want. I’m just dreaming now, it’s in my nature, but I’m having a fun time.
BTW, if you can keep an eye out for an inexpensive, but decent and sturdy, sofa or couch, computer desk or two, bookshelves, and beds for the boys it would be a lot of help. I have a crib, a toddler bed, and two crib mattresses, so Joey’s set for a while, and one twin pillow top mattress, the boys share the mattress on the floor since they always shared one bed anyways, regardless of the bed set up… I think I want a bunk bed for them. We left everything we didn’t love in Texas, trying to pare down for the move, and because we knew we could always buy cheap at the DI here in Utah. So if you find something please let me know! THANKS!
I almost went to IKEA yesterday to look at curtains, instead, I decided to paint….should’ve gone to!
Good job at calming down after the almost car accident…I have a really hard time doing that if I get in a bad mood. Sounds like you had a really fun night!