Busy Valentines Day

Aiden, Baby Joey, Holidays, Michael
I LOVED having that stroller today. I don't have the correct car seat for Joey to use with it so I've been hesitant to use it, but the back folds down to be a bassinet. It worked awesome and by the time that my doctor came in for my appointment both of my boys were asleep! I love this stroller, so far it's easier to haul both boys and as much gear as I can imagine than any stroller I've ever pushed. I'm now 20 pounds down from my pre-pregnancy weight, and about 23 down from my last pregnancy weigh in. Now if I can just keep this trend going in a good direction, LOL! I weighed myself with and without Joey and he changes the scale 11.2 pounds. So…
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Happy Valentines Day!

Allergies, Baby Joey, Holidays
OK, I already had this typed up once this morning and then lost it when I didn't "publish" right, so forgive me if this seems a bit abrupt or scattered. I'm just trying to get it out before I rush off to take care of a dozen other things. Joey is one month old today! Happy Birthday little Man! It's going so fast! I need to take and post new pictures soon. He's growing so much, the sweetie has 4 rolls on each thigh! If only a month of the pregnancy had gone so fast. I'm beginning to suspect Joey has a chocolate allergy. I've had milk ever since he was a couple days old and there have been no problems, whereas in the last few days I've had a…
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Baby Joey, Holidays, To new beginnings
Good morning and happy day off to everyone at home today. So far things are going so well with Joey that we're having a hard time not bracing ourselves for the bad part... So far he sleeps well (for a newborn), doesn't have blow outs, has only gone potty a couple times during diaper changes (vs. every time with Aiden, and almost every time with Michael) spits up very little, and only when we don't burp him ASAP after a feeding, burps fast once we start burping him, fusses only when he feels insecure or is very hungry, feels secure as long as he's being held, is MORE content when he hears his brothers roughing around, and it goes on and on. I'm tempted to say that I got my…
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I spent New Years Eve in the Hospital, and we’re finally full term!

Holidays, Pregnancy
I went in yesterday with headaches, upper abdominal pain, slight blurred vision, and swelling (not more than normal). It turns out I was just dehydrated and wasn't eating enough. Everything is good, and it doesn't look like we'll have an induction tomorrow. That's OK with me, I'm now aiming for the 9th, the day after Grandma arrives, and just giving little Joey more time to cook. We got home lastnight just in time to ring in the new year after re-tucking in the boys, and go to sleep. A far cry from our original plans of making a big fun feast and celebrating with the boys, and going to bed probably around 11:15. They had a great time at John and Pamela's though, Thanks again guys! I'm now full term...…
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