A Print Rich Enviornment

Aiden, Family Fun, Humor, Michael
I'm working on a new project, I'm writing in large print on some cards I have and taping them around the house, to get Aiden interested in words and keep Michael reading. I think I'll change them up to keep their brains noticing. So far I have "Baby," "Joseph," "Door," "Food," "Chair," "TV," "Aiden," "Michael," "Potty," "Sink," "Food," "Water," "Cups," "Plates," "Phone," "Shoes," "Snack," "Trash," "Wash," "Bath," "Bed," "Toys," "Mom," and "Dad." What else?  I need more 3 and 4 letter household items. I walked around with the boys this morning having Michael try to read stuff then letting them take turns taping them up.  I was amazed how many Michael had already forgotten... When Michael asked me why I was doing this, I said "So your brain doesn't melt…
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You’re Welcome!

Aiden, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Michael
We obviously have some wires crossed... A few minutes ago Aiden asked ever so nicely for some candy.  The boys have been behaving rather well today, so I went for my secret stash and got some Smarties. I gave each boy a roll of Smarties, and got one out for myself while I played around on the computer. About halfway through mine I started hearing this weird beeping, so I got up to troubleshoot, a minute later I noticed that one of the boys had put something on Kevin's keyboard and it was making that "error" noise, that was it. I then look to my left to watch Aiden somehow scatter my smarties about.  Snickering inside, trying to look sad, I said, "But those were my smarties!  I wanted those!" …
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Zoo etc.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Michael, Pictures
We went to the zoo on Friday to kill some time while Kevin was at work.  It was hot, but hey, it's late June in the South, LOL! It was a VERY stressful morning, including but not limited to- just plain getting up on the wrong side of the bed, having gotten a special treat to pack for lunch to the Zoo and Aiden having a melt down over wanting it right then, the remote going MIA, some very hyper active big boys (I was so desperate to find the remote to glue them to the TV for a few minutes and get them settled down, hey if it works...) a mini flood, a VERY sad baby (no doubt fully due to his mothers anxiety level), a giant blow out,…
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Mom! Peepee head!

Aiden, Humor, Me, Michael
OK, so I was doing the meanest thing ever, I was checking the TV to see if there was a fun movie on for the kids on the movie channels, and Aiden yelled at me, "Mom! Peepee Head!" I was like, "WHAT?!?!?!" and Michael said, "he wants PBS." I'm so glad for sibling translators. Otherwise Aiden might have had a spank or time out for asking for PBS.
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Fathers Day

Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Memories
We're having a laid back day here, Kevin and I both didn't sleep well, I had insomnia and he got a migraine. Not fun. He made a special spice rub lastnight, and we're having country style ribs tonight, so that should be yummy. :) The boys gave him gummy bears, his favorite soda, and a card that has a man resting in the clouds, and says "Don't let anything stand between you and a relaxing Fathers Day..." on the front, then says "Except reality.  Enjoy" with the same man bouncing out of his recliner (it even has a spring behind that part) and a kid jumping on the couch, a kid screaming or tantruming, a radio blaring, a dog howling, a glass of spilled milk, and a messy coffee table...…
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Oh Dear…

Family Fun, Humor
So, The boys have been a restless mad mess all day today, I can't say how many times I've asked them to settle down, put them in time out etc... So I snapped, I got out the mean time out. We do room time and time out, but I'm not great at enforcing them. This time I put both boys on the couch in each corner and stood over them. When they kept wiggleing I made them fold their arms... Aiden bowed his head, squinted his eyes and mumbeled as he kept glancing at me, then audibly said "...name of Jesus AMEN!" and then nodded his little head and tried to get up. Too bad he was still in trouble, but it was almost cute enough to get him out…
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Mom’s been doing her job.

Family Fun, Humor, Me, Michael, Wedding Photography
Michael's just full of those one liners lately...  Since I shot a wedding on Sunday, I spent most of yesterday working on the photos.  He's grown accustom to some computer time each day, but there wasn't any until I got burned out in the afternoon.  So when Kevin came home, the boys were on the computer, Joey was taking his afternoon nap, and I was sorta asleep on the couch.  Kevin asked Michael what they did today and he said, "Mom's been doing her job." I explained to Michael earlier today that since I just shot a wedding I'd be busy working on photos for a little bit, because that's my job, and that I'd need his help while I worked to stay out of trouble and help Aiden out. …
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Did you get in trouble?

Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Me, Michael
So yesterday I picked up Kevin from work, he got in the car and I noticed he has something on his cheek and wiped it off. He said, "It's probably saw dust." Huh??? How does a "professional geek" get saw dust on himself at work? Well I asked, probably more with a quizzical look and cock of the head than anything verbal, and he said, "I was moving workstations, and I drilled a hole in my desk." So Michael pipes up from the backseat "Did you get in trouble?" As usual, it took me too long to put two and two together, then it took a few minutes to stop giggling as I explained that it was OK for Daddy to drill holes in his desk, because he had permission,…
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Buh Bye

Mothers day cake. We only ate about a half of it and now it's a week old, ick. It was good, we've just had enough sugar around here I believe.
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