Silly Words

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Me, Michael
OK, I guess I need to bump down the snails. Haha, sorry to anyone who thought they're gross. I guess when you have all brothers and sons... Yesterday as I was nursing Joey while laying on my bed facing the wall opposite my bathroom and bedroom door, I hear in a sing song voice behind me, "Poopy Diaper! Poopy Diaper!" I didn't hear Aiden come in so it was a big surprise. I turned around and he was sitting on the potty waiting for a little mommy help. Heard in the middle of the night~ Kevin to Joey "Sorry, I don't have Mommary glands." From Michael in the back seat on the way home from school. "All the kids are bad at school, and it is a big problem, so…
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You Know You’re a Mom of all Boys When…

Aiden, Baby Joey, Humor, Michael
You hear your three month old in the back seat pass gas. The three year old starts to giggle. More gas, more giggles, then some poop. The three year old then says "Silly Joey!" This cycle continues on for about two minutes... Then the almost 6 year old gets into the car, he kisses the babies foot, and says, "you smell like poop!" I say, "that's cause he just pooped." Mike says, "No, it's his bottom." Me, thinking we'd already covered this "Are you sure? Maybe it's his ears [that stink]." "No! Mom it's his bum! His ears don't poop!" "Ewwwww!" Only in a home [or car] without any other girls... Somebody save me! Hahaha!
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LOL at me!

The last couple of days I've been leaving my purse next to my computer on the floor... My cell just rang, I spent the whole time it was ringing spinning and twisting around trying to find my purse under me to no avail... It was eerie, when I leaned to one side it'd get louder, than if I leaned the other way, regardless of if I was facing towards or away from my computer. Then I suddenly remembered, dooh! I'd put my cell, keys, and wallet in my pockets when I got dressed this morning! Most of my pants don't have pockets. Hahaha!
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