Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas, we are really blessed.  I'm all Christmas'd out, it was wonderful, but I'm OK with waiting another 11 months.  I'd say I'm ready for spring, but I'm not miserable in the snow yet, go figure. I keep dreaming about my house...  Maybe soon something will work out.  I can't wait to paint and finally really make a place my own. Kevin is doing well.  Two of his coworkers have left for other jobs, and so in his team of 4 there's only two, and he doesn't quite feel up to capacity yet, so he's extremely tired, so between that and the books he got for Christmas I don't get a ton of time with him, but I get to keep him!  I'm glad he's getting…
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House News

We're pulling out of the contract.  There were some big flaws with the house that we didn't think we could live with or put the effort in to fix at this point in our lives.  Bummer, that we're not going to be moving into a house as soon, but a relief to know we're not walking into a disaster.
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Picture Blog

Just words aren't enough.  We've really had a lot of fun going on. Here's the boys on Halloween.  Their Dad was in the hospital, so he missed seeing them in their costumes, but we had a good time, and I got to take the pictures straight to him that night. Michael's class held a Thanksgiving Program, and Michael did so well, it was SO fun to go to that, even Kevin got to go, but he was pretty tired. Joey's got a new obsession.  Shoes.  Or "Ewwsh!" if you ask him.  Doesn't matter who's and a lot of times, it doesn't even matter if they match, but he loves to throw on anybodies shoes and clomp around the house. Aiden had a great Birthday, he's 5 now!!!  We had cake…
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News of the moment~

How could I have gone more than two weeks without saying anything??? Kids are all excited about Christmas and are hyper and often "naughty."  Don't know exactly how to handle that. Michael's getting all excited and ready for his school program.  Every morning when I drop him off to school I try to leave him with something positive, but was in such a rush yesterday I forgot until he was walking away, I rolled down the window in the freezing cold and yelled "I love you Michael!"  He didn't so much as hesitate, he just kept on walking...  I think I embarrassed him, I'm not ready for my kids to be embarrassed by me!  I guess it was going to happen sooner or later...  He's been going to Kevin's Mom's…
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Thanks Giving.

It's been a good day.  I'm tired and done now though. Basic updates, nothing's going on on the house front.  The day I took Kevin to the ER I spent the day with my Realtor looking at houses, we found 5 houses we'd have liked to put offers on, I went back to her office and filled out the paperwork to put offers on them and took them home for Kevin to sign, and then to take then back to her the next morning for her to submit.  That never happened.  So we would have had 9 offers out, but those 5 fell through.  We had had 4 out, but they all are sold, refinanced by the seller (would have been a short sale), or are in contract with other…
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We’re all together again!

Kevin came home a couple days ago and we're enjoying being all together again.  He's getting stronger and stronger by the day, and his pain is getting more manageable.  He's also able to stay awake longer and sleep better.  He's got a pretty wicked belly scar.  The boys are so glad to have their Daddy back and doing their best not to maul him.  They're actually usually pretty gentle with him.
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Out of the hospital!

Kevin was released from the Hospital Wednesday, sorry for the late update, I've been extremely busy and the computer hasn't been available. We're staying at his parents house because Aiden has the flu and has been running an extremely high fever.  It's hard not to be able to take care of one of my babies.  Thanks to Grandma Karen for saving the day! Kevin briefly saw Michael, but otherwise hasn't been able to be with his kids yet in three weeks now.  Kevin's doing well and is enjoying the freedom of being out of the hospital.  He's getting a little more energy every day. He'd appreciate healthy company, so give us a call and drop on by if you'd like!
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Update, and hopefully bringing him home soon!

So Saturday they did a scan on Kevin's abdomen to see what's going on with him and if they could release him soon.  They found an abscess.  They decided to give it a couple of days to mature and then put in a catheter to drain it, and keep him on the heavy antibiotics.  Yesterday they took him down to CT Scan to do the procedure.  It was gone.   There was a little fluid, but no real infection.  They even took him to get an ultrasound, and still no abscess. They're working to get him ready to go and if all goes well we'll have him home by Friday!
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“Escape ICU”

That was his goal on the board in his room Thursday night. Kevin has 2-3 superficial (meaning none life threatening) blood clots in his arm where they had put the blood pressure cuff one day, and his heart rate is still a little higher than they like it to stay long term, but he's getting stronger by the day, and Friday about noon he made his escape, and is now on the regular medical hospital floor. He's in room 400 for anyone who wants to visit him, but I warn you he's pretty tired, so don't wear him out too much.  He'd love visitors.  Just remember, if you have any cold or flu symptoms they need to be gone without medicines to stop them for 48 hours before visiting, and…
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My hubby is amazing!  He's weaned off the oxygen, went on two walks today, and made several other strides that help him feel like a normal healthy human being again.  Maybe just a few more days in the ICU, then hopefully just a few more on regular hospital care.
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