Well, at least we know he loves primary!

This morning Aiden happened to be the first one ready, the rest of us where almost there, but not quite yet.  Aiden used to have a running away problem, but with the blanket of snow, and a few scoldings he’s been pretty good about it.  My Dad and one of my brothers left a little early for church for their callings, and we were rushing to finish getting ready when I heard the front door slam.  Sure enough Aiden had gone outside.  I was standing there barefoot at the door calling for him to come back, he took off.  Grr!  This does not a happy Mommy make.  I called to Kevin hoping he was more ready than me, and he was even worse off than me, and Joey was standing in his playpen without a coat on.  My Mom and Michael were ready, so they said they’d go after him, at this point I looked out the back window to see him going the last few feet of the parking lot and into the church house!

I rushed to get out the door after him, and Joey’s zipper on his coat broke!  Zippers, are the new bane of my existence.  I’ve hardly had to deal with them in the last 6 years, and now it seems any time I touch one it grabs an inch of the nearest cloth.  HOW ANNOYING!  So I’m worried about Aiden, and hoping they’d found him, and not being able to get my baby safely bundled to go outside.  Oh and did I mention that it was raining/snowing the whole day?  Yuck!

I handed Joey over to Kevin and I got over to the meeting house, and he still hadn’t been found.  FRUSTRATION!  They’d already checked the primary room (the last ward was in session), and around any normal areas.  I thought for a minute as about 5 Moms from my ward helped me start looking.  I decided to go look in the room where the nursery used to meet and I beleive his class now meets, and sure enough there he was, standing a head and a half above the other kids, LOL!  Those poor teachers!

I’m so DONE with this kind of thing.  Too bad I’m doomed to another few years of it at least, though I’m getting a pretty solid impression that Joey won’t be quite so trying.

3 thoughts on “Well, at least we know he loves primary!

  • How funny! *At least we know he loves primary!!

    Having no kids myself, I can only imagine how frustrating that is when one of your kids take off. Especially since you have younger kids that just can’t be left alone. My brothers kid does the same thing, he likes to run away, and heads right to the most dangerous thing-like a busy road. Its scary! Sooner or later, I’m sure he will get out of this phase.

    I had to laugh at the zipper issue! I’m sure having to do up zippers has been something that you haven’t had to deal with much, until moving back to utah. Those dang zipper monsters!

  • Mark

    Velcro, proof that God loves parents.

    Kevin rarely ran off, but when he did, it was a doozy. We were in Cyprus at the beach, and all of a sudden no Kevin (he was seven at the time). I walked down a lane to see if he’d gone back to the car, when I noticed people gathered around a car in the street ahead. Yes, it was Kevin, and he’d been hit by a taxi. Ahhh! Here we are in a foreign country, not everyone speaks English, and how bad off is Kevin?

    Fortunately, the taxi driver had been able to come almost to a stop before hitting Kevin, but it was still hard enough that the impact broke the taxi’s headlight. Kevin seemed ok, but the driver insisted we go to the hospital and check things out. He was fine, and we just had a vivid memory to take from the experience.

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