Spring is coming!

I’m SO excited!

A few quick pics, to catch up~

My favorite Librarian

Books, Thanks Ryan for being my library friend!

Play Date~

This is what happens when you don’t put on their shoes for them… Aiden got SO excited when I said we were going to the park that he ran straight out the door without his shoes… Finally he got his shoes on, but no socks… Oh well, at least the mud wasn’t IN the shoes.

Jared training his nephews in the art of climbing trees, good thing there weren’t any close that had branches close enough to the ground for them to climb, whew!

My buddy! If you look at his ring and pinky fingers on his right hand you can see where they got smashed in the hinge of the heavy door out to the garage last week, we were SO lucky it wasn’t worse, it really could have been devistating with that big solid door and its metal hinges and weather stripping. As a Mom there is nothing worse than helplessly standing by watching your babies get injured. Grandma and I were more upset than he was, and she and I took turns hyperventilating just out of his sight.


My shoes, I’m ready for sun…

My MICHAEL! Helping me find out some balance between flash and sun, as you can see, I still don’t have it, oh well…

Aiden showing me how much dirt he caught. And he lost a shoe. Luckily I had it…

At this point I was done… Luckily Uncle Jared raced them back home and all was well!

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