I Can’t Believe it’s Not……Saturday

It really feels like it should be Saturday night to me… Kevin forgot that he had today off for “Good Friday.” So when I called him at work at about 4 yesterday he had a nice surprise for me, as it was for him earlier in the day when it was brought to his attention. It was really nice to realize that he’d be home today, but because he’s been home it’s felt a lot more like a Saturday than a Friday. So I keep gearing up for church in the morning, but we have one more day first, hahaha.

This morning we went to play group’s Easter Egg hunt and had a great time. Tara B. made some beautiful Easter Bunny cakes that were so adorable! AND Yummy! Other than a few brief moments Kevin was the only Dad there, but we all had fun anyways. Then we came home and promptly took a family nap! Well most of us did. We at least all got some sleep at some point today.

I haven’t shared much about Joey personally lately, that’s because he’s just so easy going. He’s seriously SO much easier outside of the womb than he was in it. Knock on wood, but he sleep most of the night now. He just loves spending his nights cuddled up between Kevin and I, and I LOVE having him there, it’s better than any childhood teddy bear! I only need to get up once a night with him, which technically doesn’t even count as getting up since I often don’t even get out of bed. I just wake up, start a feeding and it’s back off to sleep.

He’s not spitting up so much, not nearly as much as his brothers did anyways, he’s happy and content and easy. He gets lots of cuddles and kisses and love from everyone. Now don’t get me wrong, he gets grumpy, and sometimes cries and screams in the car, or when I can’t get to him fast enough, but as soon as he’s in someone’s arms he’s content if not happy unless he’s severely messy (diaper) or hungry. I keep telling people that it’s easier now than it’s been since before I had Michael, and I’m serious. I don’t know why, but things have been the smoothest and the happiest for me personally since our little baby kanga joined the bunch. I guess there was just something missing without him that I never knew was lacking.

He’s smiling all of the time now, and he can now deliberately roll from front to back, he always has, the first time was at 4 days, but I’m 98% sure that was an accident, but now when I lay him on his belly he starts to lean his head to one side (usually his right) and then kicks and pushes with the opposite leg and arm (usually the left) until he flops over, then he lets out a huge sigh as he settles in on his back. I think he may have figured out in the night, lastnight, how to roll back to front too, because I noticed that every time I woke up he was as close to me as he could possibly be, but I’m sure gravity helps out there, LOL!

Can you tell I’m 100% in love with my baby? Well if you can’t I am. 😀

OK, I HATE the part of my blog writing where when I include pics I have to narrow down my favorites. From today’s 150 I have 10 that I’m attached to. So sorry, I’m going to include them all… I took more tonight at dinner but I’ll spare you, at least until tomorrow. 😛 Can you tell I adore my 4 beautiful boys? 🙂

Joey and I going into the house while some other Mom’s hid the eggs.

The egg Joey “found”

Aiden riding the bike, Vroom Vroom!

Bunny Cake

More Bunny Cake. Tara, if you want bigger files I’ll email them to you, and I got your email with your pic. 🙂

Baby Toes



Daddy and Joey

Clown Car?

5 thoughts on “I Can’t Believe it’s Not……Saturday

  • I am so sad that I missed the hunt, I hate not having the car during the day. It looks like it was fun. Where does Kevin work that he gets off Good Friday? I seriously haven’t ever heard of anywhere in the states giving Good Friday as a holiday- South America is another story completely, I swear they make up holiday just to get off of work.

  • I run Kevin to work every day to be able to have the car. I wouldn’t always do it, but I have to take Michael to school and pick him up, so there’s motivation to do it. Back in Utah nobody ever gave Good Friday off, but I guess Kevin’s job here does, yay!

  • Tara

    I got Good Friday off here when I was working, so maybe it’s a Texas thing? Anyway, I’m glad you made it yesterday! Cute pictures. I haven’t had a a chance yet to download my pictures off my camera, but I’ll let you know if I need any pictures of the cakes.

  • Brittany Campbell

    Your kids are adorable!!!! I am thinking that Aiden can be Lora’s future hubby he will just be getting off his mission when she is gradutating High School….what ya think?

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