
Not such a good day yesterday.

I had a tooth ache yesterday. It wasn’t fun. Kevin’s cell phone is broken, the antenna broke off on Saturday, and so it’s reception is very, um, picky. So most of the time he can’t make calls out, he only receives a handful of his incoming calls, and most phone calls he does get are garbled or one or the other person can’t hear, or even better it just hangs up. This has been a blast… Hopefully they find his warranty soon at work and can get it fixed or replaced.

Aiden was a little crankier than usual. Enough so that we didn’t get out the door into the car to go get Michael till about 10 minutes later than usual.

I pulled up to the school, he was being slow, so I made it all the way to the front of the carpool line. No Michael. After ten minutes at the front I pulled back and pulled into a parking space. Got the babies into the stroller and started towards the school. I got over there and started giving one of the teachers my cell phone number because I was going to head over to look for him at the nearby park, my first guess as to where he may have disappeared to. Halfway through looking up my cell number (since I don’t know it yet) I look up and there he was with his teacher walking back from the park… He’d sneaked off with his little “girlfriend.” Arrgh!

As he walked up to me he had the same embarrassed/sad//puppy dog eyes/I know I’m in trouble, look that he had on his face 3 years ago last month when he ran off in the zoo while I was looking after Aiden in the Maya Wrap for two seconds. They actually had to lock down the zoo for that…

The waterworks started even before we got into the car… His, not mine, I managed to maintain my composure. I’d done the same thing in second grade. Kevin apparently did it in the airport. I guess we’re “lucky” that it wasn’t as bad as when we’d done it, I guess we have many ways, and a couple more children to play out this scenario differently, not looking forwards to it…

We got home, had a long talk and called his Dad to tell him what happened. Michael refused to tell on himself. We got things done until it was time to go get Kevin, grabbed food on the way home, yummy Subway, and came home and hurriedly ate and took care of things until Kevin had to go.

Kevin went out with the missionaries, which was great, he had a good experience, and came home uplifted, but while he was gone we had a few more adventures.

I was double checking Michael’s backpack for homework right before bed time, and he’d taken a Wii game to school. We’d strictly told him not to take them, but he had, so I sent him right to bed.

Aiden found the chocolate fruit dip I had hiding in the back of the fridge. He managed to get it on the wallpaper, the table and one of my dining room chairs. I just managed to get him clean before bed time.

Aiden didn’t want to go to bed without Kevin or Michael. So he dragged his heals 20 minutes later when I decided it was time for him to go. Let’s just say it was a temper tantrum on both ends. It was aweful. By the time he actually went down we both apologized and he told me “Tank-oo Mommy” several times as I got him re-dressed for bed.

Kevin called when he was done to let me know he was coming home. I told him I needed cheesecake or chocolate, and told him about my “fun,” after babbling on for about 3 minutes I realized I hadn’t heard a thing from him in a while. I asked if he was there, and nope, silence… OK, silly phone. He got me mint chocolate chip ice cream. Ouch! Considering my tooth issues, ice cream was the last thing needed. I didn’t have any, instead I raided my chocolate stash. Shhh, don’t tell Aiden I have a chocolate stash. Kevin had heard the whole spiel though, so I didn’t need to repeat myself.

Oh, and did I mention that Joey could sense the tension? Babies do that. There was a lot of crying on the poor guys part as he was worried about all of us. Sorry little man.

Kevin gave me a blessing and my tooth ache went away. Joey slept through the night (10:30pm-6:30am when I freaked out), and so far we’ve had a pretty good day. Aiden helped me scrub the table, and I’m about to do the dishes.

5 thoughts on “Yuck!

  • Emma

    Oh, what a day! I’m sorry. Doesn’t it feel to good to just get it all out! I always feel better when I write it down. I hope today was better.

  • Wanna know another funny? Not only did he get me chocolate mint ice cream, he got strawberry cheesecake ice cream. He didn’t make a big deal of this because he figured I’d seen, so when I noticed lastnight I was laughing so hard.

    Then the kicker, I found out he’d bought this stuff BEFORE he’d been able to reach me on the phone.

    He knows me well.

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