“Tank-oo Mommy”

I’ve quoted Aiden before, but now this is his favorite phrase.  Especially when he’s been a huge stink.  Once I get him calmed down and to act rationally he always says “Tank-oo Mommy” with a sheepish side glance.

I can’t tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  It may be a bad thing since it means that he knows he’s out of control and is being manipulative, or it may be a good thing because he’s sincerely grateful to me for helping him get back on the ground without getting too grumpy in the meantime.  Maybe it’s some of each.

I just want the out of control tantrums to end.

One thought on ““Tank-oo Mommy”

  • Here is some not-asked-for advice from Auntie Suzanne…you can take it or leave it (and it won’t hurt my feelings one bit!)

    My E went thru tantrums too when she was a little itty-bitty girl. Our Doctor suggested that if they happened at home, to calmly pick her up, but her in the bathtub/shower and turn on the cold water….he said we could just pour cold water over too, but that made a mess outside the bathroom.

    I did it….she was SO shocked, she didn’t even cry. She decided to have another tantrum a couple days later. When I went to pick her up, she immediately stopped…never had another tantrum from her.

    Now V….that’s another story! LOL!

    Love you five!!!!!

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