What a Weekend

Nothing big going on. I haven’t even had a chance to upload the pics from Friday and Saturday, let alone look them over or post some.

Friday the little boys and I went to Michael’s preschool graduation. It was a rough day by way of Mommies, but I think Michael had a nice time. I’m still planning on posting a new post about that soon.

Saturday we went to IKEA to spend out stimulus check, or at least a portion of it. I’ve had my eye on dinning room benches for some time, and I didn’t get the ones I’d wanted (those ones were $250 a piece! Youch!) I got some that will do the job nicely and go in the style direction we like. We’ll be tossing our current table, and pulling out the antique drop leaf that my Mom found for me in the top of the old family barn as my Uncle got ready to sell the family farm years ago, and it’s been stowed away for someday, but I just didn’t see a reason to buy a new one when I have this treasure. 😉

Our entertainment center has been on the brink of collapsing for a bit too long, so we got a new one. It was getting pretty high on the list, especially since Joey’s getting ready to launch a full on mobility brigade. It’s shorter, so no more stashing things out of children’s reach up top, but it has storage beneath the TV, and glass front doors that we’ll get child safety locks for to keep tiny hands off the electronics.

So they’ll be delivered sometime tomorrow.

I have a severe teeth gritting problem while I sleep. Yesterday when I woke up I felt like if I’d slept a little longer I could have broken my jaw, or at very least shattered a few (more) teeth. Once again we missed church. 🙁 I’m getting REALLY tired of this cycle. IT took me all day to get through the residual tension.

Today we cleaned a bit, we actually got the main hall closet, and the walk in in the master cleaned out and re-organized. Yay!!! We’re trying to get ready to put up Joey’s crib (he’s still sleeping between us the whole night!) but we can’t find the findings, so for now he stays between us.

On the Joey subject, he’s getting so mobile. He can now scoot a few inches, he rolls every which way, and he manages to spin on his belly to watch any action that catches his eye. I want new carpet so bad. 🙁

He’s getting ready for solids. He doesn’t just relax and eat anymore, he wants to stay involved in whatever is going on. He also is starting to grab at food that I have while I’m holding him, and he keeps an eye on it, wherever it may be. Today I had a glass of rootbeer, and he was eying it. I put the cup up to his mouth (don’t worry, he didn’t get any) but he enjoyed pretending. I thought I’d wait until he was 6 or 7 months old to start solids, because of the allergy history, but he’s eying food with the biggest eyes. So I’m going to mix up some of my milk with rice cereal tonight, and give it a go. So that should be fun!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

5 thoughts on “What a Weekend

  • Tara

    I grind my teeth very badly too. I wonder if it’s stress related? Anyway, I bought myself a mouth guard a while ago and sometimes use it when I sleep. Have you ever tried one?

  • I bought one but them Aiden dropped it in the toilet before I even had a chance to mold it, so I need to get another. At the time I was early on with Joey’s pregnancy, and was having a hard time with allergies (had been on Claritin, but quit for the pregnancy so they were really bad) and I couldn’t breath with something in my mouth, you think mouth breathing would have made me relax my jaw, but apparently not…

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