Zoo etc.

We went to the zoo on Friday to kill some time while Kevin was at work.  It was hot, but hey, it’s late June in the South, LOL!

It was a VERY stressful morning, including but not limited to- just plain getting up on the wrong side of the bed, having gotten a special treat to pack for lunch to the Zoo and Aiden having a melt down over wanting it right then, the remote going MIA, some very hyper active big boys (I was so desperate to find the remote to glue them to the TV for a few minutes and get them settled down, hey if it works…) a mini flood, a VERY sad baby (no doubt fully due to his mothers anxiety level), a giant blow out, a misunderstanding with a friend, buying tickets online in advance for Saturday’s show, and realizing I’d bought them for hours away instead, and having to drive down to the theater which I’d never been to before to get things straightened out, Aiden misunderstanding and thinking we were going to the movie right then and the subsequent tantrum/tirade, but once we got to the zoo it all worked out.


Waiting for Michael in the mens room.  “Why are we just sitting here, let’s go see some aminals!”


Brother kisses


“Hey, who was that?”


“Do I have something on my face?”  Pretty decent shot for a zoo if you ask me.


“What are you looking at?” or “Do you have food?”  I can’t decide.


I love his expression, it reminds me of a cowboy standing in the door of a tavern on a hot summer day.


“Eek!  Big snake!”  He insisted on tipping his hat sideways.  Oye.


“Mommy, it’s too hot, when are you going to have pity on me and take my inside?  Also Aiden keeps kicking my back, it’s not fun.” 🙁


Just for my Mommy.  I know she’ll like this fladow.


An owl that had been hit by a car and had it’s eye injured.  He can no longer survive in the wild because of his vision problems, so now he’s a happy member of our zoo.  Beautiful beautiful creature.

Tweet, tweet…





“Go Away!” this is the go away bird, named because his call sounds like “go away.”


This is the same bird as before, Michael thought he was really pretty and pointed him out to me, I’m glad he did because I like this shot better…




“Ah, now that’s refreshing!  Now my shirt is cold, can I borrow Aiden or Joey’s blankets?”  I had about 1/2 a cup of water in the bottom of somebody’s water bottle (I need to get color coded stickers for keeping track of what water is who’s…)  And decided to mess with Michael a little, he LOVED it, hahaha!


“Can I have a coin, peez?”  I gave him one and the time had run out by the time it took him to put it in, and me to walk over from my bench about 100 feet away to lift him to see.  Shrug.  It was fun to play with anyhow.


Baby toes hanging out of the stroller


Sleeping little bear in his new bed.  We still haven’t found the screws for his crib. 🙁  Luckily he loves his pac n’ play and for now it does fine.

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