
OK, there are a million reason that my hubby’s the best (for me, sorry girls!), he gets up in the night to go get the baby, or to switch places with me when I still want Joey safe between us but I need to switch nursing to the other side, he pics me up when I get too tired to move anymore, and helps me keep on going.

This weekend he did something huge or me.  He’s been asking for a little bit now what I want my next camera to be, what I want specifically and so on, I had a B&H wish list I’d made a while back that I forwarded to him.  Well without my knowing HE BOUGHT IT FOR ME! I guess his overtime does pay off!  Hahaha!  It came yesterday and was just the boost I needed to finish the photo’s that needed extensive editing that I was working on.

Now, I don’t want to settle in feeling like romance is “what he gives me,” but there was such a surprise, and when I asked him why, he just said, because I beleive in you and want you to know that I support you.  Ohh!  Soo sweet!  I LOVE my hubby! It was such ill timing when he came home the day after the wedding and told me that he’d be doing a LOT of overtime over the next few weeks to take care of some stuff that couldn’t be done during normal hours.  I knew that I’d need his help with the kids so I could focus on the photos.  We’ve both been stretched so thin just trying to get through each day for the last month.

THANK-YOU KEVIN!  I love you, and not just cause you give me cool stuff, cause you care and stand by me when I get depressed and tired and grouchy…   Mwahh!  I’m so excited for a few family days soon!

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