My Grandpa, My Parents, and My Brother

My 80 somthingish Grandpa broke his hip lastnight and fell, they’re not sure what happened first.  He was carrying a BIG watermelon and Grandma seems to think it landed ON him and that’s what broke it…  So I guess there’s three options.  He was supposed to go into surgery earlier today but it kept getting knocked back.  So I’m not sure what’s happened.

My parents are currently at a neighborhood/stake (gotta love Utah) meeting concerning a woman in their neighborhood who was badly beaten this week in her home by a door to door magazine salesman, who’d been to my parents home earlier that day.  I’m not sure if it’s so much concerning the actual incident, local emotional control, or information to help protect themselves.  The hazy details I have on this assume they caught the guy…

So hopefully I’ll have more information on both soon and be able to relax about the situations.

In the meantime, here’s a little collage I did for my Brother who’s coming home from his mission soon.

I love my little brother Nate (we named Aiden after him) and am excited to see him again and for him to start another new chapter in his life.  I think he’s had a wonderful 2 years and has a strong love for the native people and their cultures.

3 thoughts on “My Grandpa, My Parents, and My Brother

  • sara

    oh my gosh, I heard about that lady on the news! I didnt know it was so close to your family! That is scary! I was just telling my mom to not open the door to salesman anymore. I do know they caught the guy, they caught him 45 min later as he was boarding a bus to salt lake city to do it again! What an idiot!!! good luck on your grandpa, the nursing home that we had my grandpa in accidentally droped him, and he broke his hip, he died 3 weeks later, so not to be the bearer of bad news, but my dad said that usually after someone who is really old breaks their hip, they only have like 6 weeks to live, depending on their fight. But we just had some 80ish year old lady down the street fall and break her hip, and she is back up and driving. So not all die, but just so it doesnt come as a shock. love you guys!

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