Hayez; The Kiss

Image from Wikipedia

Moved?  I am.

I LOVE this painting.  It means more to me than any image I’ve ever seen.

It was painted in Italy by Francesco Hayez in 1859, as I understand, it portrays a goodbye kiss of two lovers as he leaves for war.  How passionate, loving, tense, sad, electric, and compelling.  What would it be like to kiss your husband knowing it may indeed be the last time you kiss, last time you touch, last time you see?  So sad, but you want sadness so badly not to be the memory of the moment.  The colors are just vibrant enough, yet subtle enough, the shadows deep yet well placed, the cloth and texture of the stones.  The shadow of a waiting soldier in the background.

I wish I could hang it in my livingroom, but I’m sure that might make some people uncomfortable.  A few years ago while I was gone to visit my family Kevin got a small print for me, and it hung above our bed for some time, but is now packed away for a time when we’re less transitional.  Someday I want a full size print (110cmx88cm, or roughly 43×34 inches),  I’m sure it would go on our bedroom wall.  To help us remember.  To remind us to not forget and neglect that which we’re blessed to be able to have every day.

4 thoughts on “Hayez; The Kiss

  • Mary


    That IS a wonderful painting– I don’t know that I’ve seen it before so I’m much obliged to you for pointing it out to me! Thanks!

  • That is really beautiful. I wouldn’t have any problem with it in the Livingroom, but I guess others might. If you are feng shu (sp?) your bedroom, the decor should be calming and relate to couples…..this would be great!

    Looking forward to your visit…drop me an e-mail with date(s) we can see you!

  • Grandma Steele

    I remember Kevin buying that for you, Kaylene! That’s cool that though it’s tucked away for another time, it still means so much. I’m like Sue, feng shu would follow the bedroom, but the living room could work too. Another time and place works well as well.

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