Still Sinking In

I don’t think people realize how much this storm has effected this community.  I’m grateful there are not more deaths, but it will take us a while to recover from all of this.  There’s a very somber mood about.

People are panicking as they run out of supplies that they hadn’t thought of.  I’ve seen a lot of alcohol, which isn’t normal to me.

We need to boil water for a while, but have enough water pressure to do dishes and laundry again.  We still have a bit of bottled water though we are starting to ration the boys on that.

We’re still “stuck at home” and Michael and Kevin are off the school and work hook tomorrow, well unless Kevin needs to run a short update.

We feel so blessed to have electricity.  I think that could have been a real hardship for us to go without, and we know we’re part of a very small percentage who are so lucky even today.

This morning it was raining again, and the first thing my boys said when they woke up was that it was raining and windy again and they were worried it was happening again.  I had to repeat myself several times then give up about convincing them it’s just rain. 🙁

This wasn’t like being in my home.  It was like having my home transplanted to some crazy unreal dangerous place, and being more fragile than I’d ever imagined.  Almost like the hurricane was stationary and my home was riding through it in some bizarre way.

During the worst of the storm, it was SO loud and my boys where very scared.  I had to keep telling them it would be OK as I rocked them and tried to comfort them.  I felt like the biggest liar because I couldn’t guarantee that, but I’d felt reassurance, like I can’t describe, when I’d prayed about staying or going, so I had to trust that.  It was so surreal.

I was so glad I could guarantee this morning that it wasn’t another hurricane.  That I didn’t feel unsure about that.

I was up in the night lastnight with a tooth ache, it was so sweet in all my pain to feel the quiet, have the lights outside and in, to be “back home.”  I don’t want to do that again.

I’m struggling a bit emotionally, every time I read too much or watch the news I just want to throw up.  It all makes me very sick.  I really hope that people can do as well as possible and we can be good old Houston ASAP.

3 thoughts on “Still Sinking In

  • Grandma Steele

    “Don’t rock the boat… Don’t tip the boat over…” Would feel like being on the ark, even the nausea! Sweet boys. Endless rain. What’s really happening, Mom??? Just so glad you were able to enjoy that surreal feeling that comes with the reassurance of a decision made with prayer!

    Week tomorrow!!

    And thank you…for yesterday!

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