Michael’s Quote of the Day, and Nudity in Public.

“Pink is for Girls.  Boys aren’t supposed to eat pink.”  As he wolfs down his pink strawberry cream cheese covered bagel.

So I ask him, “If someone had a birthday and had pink cupcakes, wouldn’t you eat it?”

“Nobody has pink cupcakes!”

Oh, and as I checked out at the grocery store this morning, Aiden jumped out of the cart and decided to “Go Potty.”  Ugh!  So I struggled to put my card back in my wallet and grab my groceries quickly, to try to catch him in the bathroom, but I was too slow.  Before I could do anything Aiden ran, parading about, out of the bathroom in nothing but his t-shirt!  “I GO POTTY!!!!!”  “Um, yay, go back in the bathroom!”

Oh, the joys of mothering boys.

4 thoughts on “Michael’s Quote of the Day, and Nudity in Public.

  • Grandma Steele

    Wasn’t that just one of those natural two-year-old disasters, Mom!!
    Sounds more like a SUCCESS for Aiden, actually!! GO BOY!!

    And Grandma needs to make PINK CUPCAKES when you come!
    I can hear Michael’s Eeyore voice: “Oh Grandma.”

  • Amber

    I wonder where he learned pink is for girls from! Claire says stuff like that all the time. How boys don’t like pretty things like girls do.

    We are going to start tackling potty training with Chloe now. Yay for little kids!

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