Highlights of our Utah Trip


He cut his first tooth that he’s been trying to cut for about 2 1/2 months, on the flight up…

Was separated from me for the longest time yet.

Tried formula, and wanted nothing of it.

Tried a lot more table food, and didn’t do too great, after a few days up there, I had to limit his diet to only my milk and food marketed as baby food, he soon did much better.

Really cruising and trying to walk.

He got his first ear infection on the flight home.


Drove everyone crazy.  He’s a hard kid anyway, but take away his normal boundaries, schedule, and have everyone trying to discipline him with different methods, and he’s a holly terror.

Knocked his head HARD on brick during family portraits, he was trying to jump into somebody’s arms who didn’t know he wanted them to catch him, and whalla, blood and screaming…

Became an escape artist at both Grandma’s houses.  It doesn’t help that neither home is childproof, but this was a disaster…  Thanks to Dallin, Jason, Nate, Ryan and Jared for constantly running after him.

Hmm, it wasn’t all bad with him, but this is all I can think of.


Worked towards learning to ride a bike at Grandma Peggy’s.

Was sure there was going to be snow for a snowman.  Please don’t tell him he only missed a chance by a week…

Cried on the way home because he didn’t want to leave Utah.

Amazed me with his flash cards and what he really did know.


Spent a lot of time revising his resume.  We miss being near family.

Spent a lot of quality time with my brothers.

Got incredibly sick the first day we moved over to his Mom’s house, so I was stuck with helping the kids adjust to Grandma’s house without HER SON to help.


LOTS of dental work.

Took about 2,000 photos.

I got a hair cut.

I tried to throw a party for my AF high school friends…  Only one person showed up. 🙁  I know my friends love me, or do they?  I wish I would have planned a date with Kevin instead since we never got to go out by ourselves really…

I did a photo shoot for my cousins, and Kevin’s brothers senior shoot.  Fun stuff!  Now I just gotta get my images!  so I can start working on them, at the moment they’re at Kevin’s work again, we just haven’t had a chance yet to load them to my computer!

I took all my kids to Wal-Mart in an unfamiliar town all by myself.  I know, I deserve an award, LOL!  No not really harder than any other shopping trip…

Whole Family~

Quick stop at Temple Square. 🙂

Picked up Nate from the airport after he served his two year mission in Guatemala.

See Grandpa and Grandma Rawlings.

Help/Watch Nate morph back into a “normal” person.

Nate’s Homecoming talk and seeing lots of family.

Extended family portraits.  My cousin Emily shot them while I helped out.

Saw Sam and Sara, WE LOVE YOU TWO!!!!!

Conference in Utah, though we didn’t make it to the Conference Center.

Got to see Jared M. and meet his girlfriend Shaleen, and we TOTALLY approve of her.

Kevin’s older Brother Sam went through the temple!  YAY, SAM AND SARA!!!!!  I can’t wait for them to get sealed!

On the way back to the Airport stop at Cabela’s and make a mad dash around the store for souvinere’s before arriving at the airport 1 1/2 hours, with all 5 of us, and stuff from two weeks, before our plane takes off.

Get to the airport rush through to find out our flight was delayed an hour.

Kevin runs off to get lunch with Aiden on foot (as opposed to in his stroller), I find out our flight isn’t delayed, call his cell and he makes a mad dash back, and we make our flight.

Come home and everyone gets a cold.

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