Baby Joey, Holidays, To new beginnings
Good morning and happy day off to everyone at home today. So far things are going so well with Joey that we're having a hard time not bracing ourselves for the bad part... So far he sleeps well (for a newborn), doesn't have blow outs, has only gone potty a couple times during diaper changes (vs. every time with Aiden, and almost every time with Michael) spits up very little, and only when we don't burp him ASAP after a feeding, burps fast once we start burping him, fusses only when he feels insecure or is very hungry, feels secure as long as he's being held, is MORE content when he hears his brothers roughing around, and it goes on and on. I'm tempted to say that I got my…
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Getting back into the swing of things.

Pictures, To new beginnings
We're getting things going again. Kevin should be going back to work on Tuesday, and it seems like normal life is picking up again. I was able to pick up my camera this morning and do a session with Joey. That felt really nice, I've just been so tired and haven't been able to make a lot of time for pictures of him. I woke up this morning with him next to me and he was so beautiful in the morning light, finally the clouds cleared long enough to give us some of the gorgeous golden morning glow. So I'm having some fun playing with those pictures. Poor Michael has yucky cough and a funny voice, but he says he doesn't have a sore throat. We're doing our best to…
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Joey had his first Doctors appointment today.

To new beginnings
Normally they don't really have their first appointment until 2 weeks, but they wanted to bring him in because I needed antibiotics during labor and only had time for half the recommended amount, so they wanted to make sure he didn't get an infection. He's fine on that front. He's back up to his birth weight already. That's a great sign because they don't usually expect that until 2 weeks. He's eating enough that it doesn't surprise me much. He's also slightly jaundiced, but doesn't even need any therapy for that, though I'll try to get a little sunlight therapy for that in the morning if these clouds will just go away, and his constant eating and dirty diapers should help flush out his system. We're getting excited for the…
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Why Joseph Merlin??

Baby Joey, Pregnancy, To new beginnings
You may have been surprised at our choice of a middle name for our latest addition. Especially with all of the build up in the last few months with Kevin and I not telling what we've chosen for baby Joey's middle name, and being so open about his first name. Well it all has to do with meaning. Our two older sons have names Kevin and I like, along with middle names after a living family member. Michael Jeffrey was named after Kevin's cousin Jeff, who has always been a good friend to Kevin. Oh, the stories Kevin has told about spending time with him. Aiden Nathaniel, was named after my brother Nathan or Nate, who I grew pretty close to after I got married and moved away. He was…
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Joseph’s Birth Story

Baby Joey, Pregnancy, To new beginnings
Back in May, actually Mothers Day, two days before I found out I was pregnant, I had this dream, I dreamed that I had a baby (wasn’t expecting to be pregnant) at home because I had a fast labor… And that I was trying to wake Kevin to take me to the hospital, but he wouldn’t wake up. I kept that in mind through my pregnancy, not that my husband would ignore me, but I was so scared of a fast labor and unplanned home birth. I had a LOT of false calls, as late as last Friday night. Sunday night, right before dinner I found myself throwing up without any warning or reason. This can be a sign of labor so instead of being disgusted I was hoping. A…
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