
Aiden, Family Fun, Humor, Memories, Pictures
So, as I browsed the family blog this morning (my Rawlings family and I have a private family blog), I was talking with Aiden about who the people were in the pictures.  He likes pictures. When we were at IKEA last Saturday Aiden saw a tall dark man with dreads and glasses.  He pointed and yelled "Guy!"  Why I knew he meant our friend Isani, I don't know, but I knew, LOL!  Sure enough, when he saw the pic with Isani in it on the blog (one of the ones I posted here) he yelled "Guy!"  LOL!  I guess I was right! Then we scrolled down to the post my Mom had done about some stuff my family had done with Kevin's family, and posted some pictures. He was too…
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Memory Tag

Humor, Me, Memories
If you blog much you probably know the drill, but in case you don't, please comment to me a memory you have of me or with me, then, if you'd like post a memory submission on your blog and I'll come and comment on a memory with you.  THANKS! Edited 7-27-08, I'm bumping this back to the top since it got buried below others posts so fast.
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Another IKEA Saturday.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Venting
Daddy Smiling as we're finally out on our way.  Mom was super slow getting ready to go, and so we left about 3 hours later than he would have liked. We went to a fun little BBQ place and enjoyed a quiet lunch. We got to IKEA and dropped Michael off at Smalland, and headed on our way enjoying the whole showroom floor at a snails pace. A pretty dish set with lots of colorful creamy Bokeh. A head board I like a lot, thought I think Kevin has had his share of iron beds and our next one will be wooden, or if it's the right fabric, upholstered. We timed it just right to be done with the top floor just as it was time to pick up Michael.   …
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Finally, Lake Texana Pictures

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
I've finally gone through them and got them ready!  Yay!  I had them ready since Thursday (so if you've seen these on facebook, sorry for the repeat), but was waiting on Kevin to have some free time he was willing to donate to my cause since I keep forgetting how to publish photo's by myself, maybe I should have Kevin write me a tutorial, LOL! There are three separate sets, the ones I took, the ones Kevin took, and the ones Michael took.  Here's our Lake Texana Trip.  (for some reason Firefox is being a beast, so if the last link doesn't work, please try the individual links) Oh, and I also got up the photo's from Joey's blessing back in March.  I've had them up for a while but…
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20 years in the making…

Dreams, Games, Humor, Me
I have been tagged by my friend Rae. So this is my list. I would like to tag anyone who's interested, since I know some people don't like to be tagged. 20 years ago: * I was 6 and heading for the 1st grade, Mrs. Ball's class. She was pretty neat! * Was diagnosed with ADHD, a categorization that still bothers me. * Had lived in North Logan, Utah for about a year and was enjoying doting on my almost one year old baby brother Nathan. 10 years ago: * We moved from the Home in North Logan that I'd grown up in and moved to American Fork, Utah. * I had my first love and subsequent heart break. * I missed meeting my husband by less than a week…
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I Was Nuzzled by a Deer

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
We're back from our first real camping trip with children.  It was REALLY fun!  We're so glad we went, and look forwards to many more mini trips.  The boys did amazingly well. Yes, that's right, we went camping on purpose, in the middle of July, in the South...   ...and survived.  It actually felt wonderful. We went to Lake Texana in Edna, Texas. Friday night we headed down and got there just at sunset, we rushed to set up camp in the setting sun and I took the boys around the camp site in an attempt to set up firm boundaries.  Kevin had to make a store run because between us we'd somehow forgotten to get cash to pay for our spot.  Kevin took Aiden, and Michael, Joey and I stayed…
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Moody Gardens

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures
As I previously mentioned, last Saturday we went to Moody Gardens in Galveston Texas. On the way back to the car I ran a race with Michael... He was telling Aiden, who was sitting in the front of the double stroller, that he was gonna beat him, I couldn't have any of that, so off I flew, hahaha! So I manged to get my fully loaded double stroller (and I don't mean super nice, just loaded down with peeps and stuff), myself and my saggy pants to the end of the grass (about 50 yards) before Michael, LOL! Yay me! We had a good time despite my mood.  Yay for summer vacation! Petroglyph from the "Cave of the Killer Wale" in California.           Fast Penguins  …
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More Regarding Melting Minds

Humor, Me, Michael
So, this afternoon we went out and I got Michael and Aiden an ice cream sandwich, Michael gulped his half down (seriously gulped, I don't know how he could have even tasted it), and drank some ice water.  He said "My brain won't melt now cause I have brain freeze!" I think this "melting brain" thing has sunk in too deep... And then when we got home and I asked him to get Kevin the scissors to open something up.  He went looking and came back empty handed saying "Oh!  My brains is just melted!  I don't remember where the silver drawer is!"  I said, "No, the silverWARE drawer, like forks and spoons and stuff, next to the sink."  I could just see the light turn on as he turned…
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Re: Print Rich Environment

Humor, Kevin, Michael
So lastnight Kevin came in, he hadn't read the blog, and we hadn't talked to him about it.  I was busy putting away groceries and taking care of the baby, so I didn't think twice about it.  All of a sudden Kevin starts spouting all of these random weird words...  I'm like "What?  Are you OK?"   I guess the words took him by surprise.  Hahahaha!  Michael was quick to comment "They're so my brain doesn't melt!"
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