20 years in the making…

I have been tagged by my friend Rae. So this is my list.

I would like to tag anyone who’s interested, since I know some people don’t like to be tagged.

20 years ago:

* I was 6 and heading for the 1st grade, Mrs. Ball’s class. She was pretty neat!
* Was diagnosed with ADHD, a categorization that still bothers me.
* Had lived in North Logan, Utah for about a year and was enjoying doting on my almost one year old baby brother Nathan.

10 years ago:

* We moved from the Home in North Logan that I’d grown up in and moved to American Fork, Utah.
* I had my first love and subsequent heart break.
* I missed meeting my husband by less than a week as he left on his mission and we moved in (we view this as a good thing).

5 years ago:

* Michael had just turned one.
*We’d just moved to Texas and I was starting to put aside my homesickness.
* I enjoyed a few too many talk shows, news and soap opera’s to pass my time stuck at home.

3 years ago:

* We moved from the suburbs into the city.
* I took the boys to Disneyland with my side of the family while Kevin stayed home working.
* I was WAY hooked on my online forum.

1 year ago:

* I got pregnant with our third boy.
* Kevin and I went through our worst patch yet.
* Michael started all day Kindergarten, crazy days!

This year so far:

* I had my baby, and couldn’t imagine a day without him.
* I’ve taken a much more relaxed view on life.
* Kevin surprised me with my new camera and I’ve REALLY been enjoying it.

Yesterday I:

* Stayed up till 2:30 AM because I just couldn’t possibly go to sleep.
* Watched Enchanted for the first time.
* Went Grocery shopping, and spent almost 2X as much as normal.  I can’t beleive how I’ve got the stocking up bug.

Today I will:

* Go to church.
* Try and get a family picture since my Mom’s been begging for one for I don’t know how long.
* Probably need a nap like nobodies business.

Tomorrow I will:

* Run Kevin to work.
* Pull out my Camera and try to get some unique shots.
* Try to do something fun and sporatic with the boys to combat summer boredom.

In the next year I will:

* Go camping a whole lot more.
* Concentrate on taking my photography business farther.
* Make sure each of my boys knows I love him very much and know he’s very special to me.

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