Family Saturday

Aiden, Baby Joey, Baby Wearing, Michael, Pictures
I added a pic back on last Sundays blog of the boys as we headed out the door to church. Click here for the link to that Blog. Today we went to IKEA as a family. We just went for breakfast and to get out as a family. We got breakfast and for some reason it was buy one get one free (I believe Valentines and President's Day weekend), so we got breakfast and drinks for all 4 of us (who eat solids), plus a roll and muffin to share for about $9! Hahaha! Can't beat that very often anymore. The breakfast was two or three (I don't remember) long slices of bacon, 4 french toast sticks with syrup, a large scoop of scrambled eggs, and a large scoop of…
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Good news, bad news, and a word blunder.

Allergies, Baby Joey, Michael
Good news first, it looks like the chocolate was the culprit, so Joey is looking better and things seem to be headed back to normal (whatever that is with a rapidly growing infant). Gross, but his poop is getting back to the right color, and his diaper rash is all but a distant memory. Bad news, I don't get to have chocolate for a while. Better to have him healthy than sick though. Today I went to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy, I occasionally call them a "script." We went in after I picked up Michael from school, and ran to the store to get my prescription, I dropped off my prescription and we went about browsing the valentines clearance (which was all chocolate, which I'm not getting…
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Busy Valentines Day

Aiden, Baby Joey, Holidays, Michael
I LOVED having that stroller today. I don't have the correct car seat for Joey to use with it so I've been hesitant to use it, but the back folds down to be a bassinet. It worked awesome and by the time that my doctor came in for my appointment both of my boys were asleep! I love this stroller, so far it's easier to haul both boys and as much gear as I can imagine than any stroller I've ever pushed. I'm now 20 pounds down from my pre-pregnancy weight, and about 23 down from my last pregnancy weigh in. Now if I can just keep this trend going in a good direction, LOL! I weighed myself with and without Joey and he changes the scale 11.2 pounds. So…
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One more thought today

Remember the girl that Mike dumped milk on?  She was absent yesterday, I was worried that maybe her parents kept her home because of what happened Friday, I hope not. This morning as we dropped off Michael at school he started walking towards the school, and then turned around and started walking back away from the car, Kevin and I watched him wondering why he was walking away.  It turns out that there was a adorable little girl calling him, he ran back to her and they gave each other a big hug, and started chatting happily.  The two of them plus another boy that was already with the girl held hands as they headed into the school.  It was so cool and gave me chills as I've been concerned…
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