Getting ready. :)

No baby yet, LOL! Two days until I’m full term and can let this happen.

Lastnight was a good one, my friend Amanda is down here for Christmas. I know her from my last ward down in Friendswood before we moved up into Houston. Her husband David joined the Army and they moved up to Fort Worth, and he’s currently almost two months into his 15 month deployment in Iraq. So she is down here visiting her parents for Christmas and New Years. We don’t get to visit with her nearly enough, so it’s so fun to see her!

She and I went to Olive Garden (Yumm! I got the Eggplant Parmesan, tasty, but no labor, oh well, haha!) and then we went shopping, to wonderful and exotic Target, hehehe! She got little Joey a few sweet little sleepers that I’m sure he’ll look so sweet in. Then we came back here and watched a movie.

I’m busy doing laundry, washing all of the sleepers and onsies, and working on packing my bags for the hospital. I’m also trying to pack bags for the boys so that Kevin doesn’t have to throw something together for them last minute. That was a little frustrating on Thursday, but it’s a good thing he did it. I don’t always carry a diaper bag for Aiden anymore unless I know I’ll be out of the home for a long time, so all I had was my purse. Guess I’ll have to get used to always toting one again, huh?

Aiden has a new word, “Chocolate” he uses it often. Michael got his favorite movie on DVD for Christmas, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” It came with an insert that looks like a wrapped candy bar, oddly enough, it smells like it too. Aiden noticed this yesterday morning and woke me up by shoving the pamphlet/coupon book/insert under my nose and yelling “Chocolate!!! Chocolate!!!”

Then he sweetly asked me where his “Blank” was (blank is his pet name for THE blanket, that funnily enough, was given to him by my previously mentioned friend Amanda’s Mom at birth). He said “Wash?” I said I didn’t know, and got up. Sure enough Kevin was washing it, but he was sneaky enough that it didn’t mean the meltdown it usually does. I pulled it out of the dryer while Aiden was taking a nap and snook it in and tucked him in with it, that was a happy wake up!

Bless Kevin’s heart he almost always lets me sleep in on Saturday. What a wonderful husband and daddy he is.

Michael is enjoying his “Winter Vacation” He was sick the last 4 days of school, so instead of his Friday through Monday two weeks later break, he gets three weeks in a row off… We’re actually doing really well and enjoying lots of time playing together. I was pretty worried about being this far along in my pregnancy and the boys winding each other up too much, and it just being really stressful, but we’re having fun. I’m sure next week, or I guess later this week, we’ll go out and have some good fun since I don’t need to worry about stalling labor anymore.

Speaking of labor un-stalling… Any good ideas? I had my eggplant pamresan lastnight, didn’t do anything, in fact I’ve had less contractions since eating it that I was having yesterday before I ate it. I think I’ll get a fresh pineapple, that sounds good. And I’ll make some spicy foods, that reminds me I should get some beans soaking for Chili. I believe that some spicey sausage is what got my labor going with Michael. I’ll be walking like crazy, did some of that lastnight shopping… I’m NOT doing Castor Oil.

I never know, I could walk into my appointment Wednesday morning and be told to head to the hospital for an induction then, or everything could look great, and I could wait another three weeks to deliver this little bundle.  Either way we’re pretty excited.

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