Grins and Hungry?

Joey is getting more and more expressive he gave both Kevin and I huge grins yesterday at the grocery store, and is getting more and more likely to randomly grin at us.

We reached another one of my Spring Break goals, the boys and I made cookies this morning, yummy! They were “Mickey Mouse Club House Cookies” as my Mickey calls them. They were Disney Brand Disney Magic Selection Break n’ Bake Chocolate chip Cookies with red while and brown Mickey mouse confetti. Pretty yummy. I’m glad we took the time to do that as it meant a lot to the boys. It makes me almost want to make real cookies, you know with butter, and sugar and flour and eggs… Almost. I really should just do it, the boys would love that.

I don’t do many treats that aren’t from a box, for that matter, I don’t really make many treats. I buy a lot more than I make, if you were to look into my baking cupboard you’d think we have a serious desserts problem, until you realize that most of the things in there have been in there a year or more and while I have good intentions, it’s like a hidden closet of unfinished projects, a secret collection I’m hoarding away. Aparantly I’d rather have my cake than eat it (especially when somebody else can make it and do the dishes). 🙂 😛

Oh well, if we ever have a dramatic problem we’ll have no shortage of cookie, brownie, cake, and cookie bar mixes, canned fruit for cobblers, canned pumpkin, chocolate chips, M&M’s (don’t tell Aiden he’ll raid that cupboard), caro syrup, sweetened condensed milk, boxed cereals bought especially for that sweet corn chex mix, and vanilla, peppermint, rootbeer, almond, lemon, raspberry, and maple extract or flavor… Hahaha! Seriously I’ll run out of real food before dessert stuff… I guess I’ll have some good trading barter.  Maybe I should think about some kind of powdered eggs or something.

Anyone else getting sugar sick just from reading that? Makes me want a steak, or chicken and rice and a heaping helping of salad or steamed veggies.

On that note, what should we have for dinner? Nemo or Pirate Pasta with marinara, cheese or alfredo sauce? Maybe my FIL’s stroganoff on rice recipe? Chicken and Rice Bake? Or I could chop up those avocado’s, thaw the tortilla’s, and have creamy enchilada’s with a side of chips and dips including bean dip, sour cream, salsa verde and fresh home-made guacamole? Or what else? Teriyaki chicken and rice? Maybe throw out the creativity and just do Fritos pie? Or pop a can of Chef Boyardee for the boys and have a yummy Organic Baby Green salad? Hmm, choices choices…

Can you tell I’m hungry?

3 thoughts on “Grins and Hungry?

  • I have been trying to think of what to make for dinner as well. I will be eating at enrichment, so I only have to make it for Mike and Callie.

    And yes you can add my blog. Can I take a rain check on the photo edit? I would love for you to make a little collage of Callie and our new little one when he gets here. Let me know if that will work!

  • That’s absolutely fine! I’d love to do one for you after the little guy gets here. June right? June is a good month to have a birthday. 😉

    Have fun at E. Night!

    I still haven’t decided on dinner. Hopefully either a burst of energy or inspiration or both will hit soon.

  • I am a from scratch type of cook/baker. I occasionally will buy box mix brownies or cake for when I need something in a hurry, but otherwise we make everything from scratch. I am glad that Joey is smiling now. I love new baby smiles, they make me melt.

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