I’m LESS dilated!

Ahhh! I want to cry!

Everything else looks perfect though. The red flags are all gone. I’ve been eating and drinking enough, so the problems that caused are gone now, and the pre-e symptoms are gone. It’s hard to keep up with the water and food my body needs at this point. I’ve lost another 3 pounds over the last week.

I got some spicy foods and pineapple at the grocery store this morning (remind me not to take the big boys there anymore), and I plan on walking ’till I drop over the next week. To bad Texas decided to get cold this week, I’ll have to find somewhere warm to go and walk. I also got some Silk (soy milk) and sherbet, so I can indulge in cereal and a cold treat every once in a while again. Yumm.

After my water was broken with Aiden it all happened in less than two hours (I’d already been on pitocen for a couple hours by then though), so I’m just kinda scared about what happens if my water breaks spontaneously and I’m in real labor all of a sudden. If I have the boys and Kevin is at work, it could mean some real trouble since every time I’ve gone in so far it’s taken me at least an hour and a half to get there even though it’s just 2 miles away. I have to make sure the boys have what they need, drive them over to my friends, pick up Kevin, find a parking spot and then walk all the way in… I have the boys bag packed and in the car now so that should help.

Anyways, Happy new year! Hope everyone is well and happy!

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