March Update!

OK, once again I’ve let real life take over as my priority. Don’t worry, I’m not likely to let it happen again. 😉 Looks like I’m so far behind it’s going to take at least two blogs to catch up, lets go with March and Early April…

Additional photos can be seen at: Facebook Spring 2009 Part 1

Wow, looks like the last real update was when we got the van. That’s probably why I’ve been so grounded in reality, you know, I can go places, and do stuff again… LOL!

The same day I got the van was crazy hair day for Michael. He looked like Edward… LOL! Both big boys got haircuts I think that night.

We took a Saturday and went to Hoggle Zoo with my cousins. that was fun, the only part I pulled out the camera for was the train ride. Here’s Aiden he was my seat buddy.

The boys FINALLY got bikes. Having lived in apartments, with a high neighborhood crime rate, and no DI to buy cheap used bikes, the boys have never had bikes. Mid March the boys came in after playing outside with their Uncle and Aiden in his sweetest little boys voice said “Mom, can I have a little tiny bike?” Don’t know why he decided he needed a “little tiny” one, but I caved knowing that they needed the exercise we ran to the DI. $12 later we had two bikes. Another $100 later (ugh!) we had safety gear and the tires, tubes and training wheels to have them both ready to go. Aiden got the training wheels, Michael got the tires and tubes. I haven’t gotten any pics of Aiden with his Tigger bike, but here’s one of Michael on his Superman bike. He, his Dad and Jared got him going, and now that the weather’s starting to get nice maybe he’ll be able to sharpen those new skills.

My brother in law Dallin (Kevin’s little brother by 12 years, but big brother by a couple inches) was on spring break and came to hang out with us a bit, we had such a great time! We went to Thanksgiving Point and enjoyed Farm Land.

We took a “wagon ride” that was REALLY just getting on a trailer behind a tractor and doing circles in several parking lots… Not to impressive by my standards, but we all had fun!

Look! We passed the new van!

Dallin made the stroller “go fast!” and that was great! We stopped in the candy shop in the emporium, and got a few treats.

I missed the Draper Temple Dedication cause I was really not feeling well, I’m sad I missed it, but glad my Mom got to attend, she would have missed it to take care of my kids.

The next night we celebrated Sam and Sara’s birthday with a game night at the Steele’s, SO fun! We need to do that more! Happy late Birthday you two!

Our Relief Society here celebrated the anniversary of the creation of the society by having a Saturday morning super activity, we learned all sorts of fun things, but most of all it was just fun to be together! We had a give and take table, where people brought stuff that they couldn’t use anymore, and anyone was welcome to it, and whatever people didn’t take was sent to the DI. We had a Breakfast buffet, and classes on gardening, hair cutting, bread making, blogging, staycationing (treating your hometown like you would if you were visiting) clutter control, family history searching, and more, it was a real blast!

Here’s my sweet Relief Society President kneading her heart out.

There was a self defense class, here’s the teacher demonstrating kicking to injure get a predator away. There’s not usually very much kicking at Relief Society activities. Hehehe.

That night we went up to the Ogden area to Celebrate Tayge’s birthday, Tayge is Kevin’s cousin Elizabeth, and her Husband Brandon’s little guy. He’s so adorable and had a great time with his cake! He ended up getting a shower high chair and all after he was “done.” Thanks for having us Liz! It’s so fun to be able to get together with family so easily now!

Later that night Kevin really got under the weather, and ended up going to the doctor Monday morning, the doctor wanted to send him to the hospital for IV fluids and antibiotics, but decided to let Kevin go home if he’d go home and get hydrated. As soon as he got home he threw up everything he’d managed to get down, it was not good. I ran back to the pharmacist to get the anti-nausia meds we’d hoped he could get by without, and while rushing back from that I fell with Joey in my arms, we were OK, but my back and hips jut haven’t been right since. We got Kevin under control with OTC antibiotics and liquids, but then the rest of us got pretty sick that week.

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