Taking the plunge, what I like about me.

Short version, a friend challenged fellow readers to name some things that they like about themselves and blog them. Long version, read post titled by the same name on Jenni and Will’s link in my blogroll. I’ve put it off till now, but now I need a pick-me-up.

I love my eyes. I think they’re rather pretty and speak a lot about me. Here’s a pic of my eyes I did a while ago, a year or more. I honestly thought about this one before I saw Jenni’s eye paragraph and pic about her eyes.

Kaylene Eyes

I’m having a hard time with this, I can think of things I like, but not really things I like about myself.

I like my calfs. I know weird. I think considering my overall weight, I have pretty nice lower legs.

I also like my eye, for images that is. I like that when I’m thinking about it I can come up with a lot of different ways to look at ordinary things that most others wouldn’t ever think of.


tire tracks

Sand waves

I also like that for some reason my brain can figure out manual exposure. I had a lot of friends when I was transferring over to shooting in manual modes that just couldn’t get it. I like that I can also edit them both from RAW in Aperture, and in photoshop. I can see many many different photo and editing styles and mimic it without too much trouble in photoshop. This makes putting together a vision easier than it is for most.

I LOVE that I can breast feed my Joey (sorry guys that are uncomfortable with talking about that), I’m grateful that I’ve been blessed with the ability to 100% feed my little growing boy, and that his little fat rolls and growing body is all because of what I can make for him, without even giving it a second thought. I know a lot of women would have liked that opportunity and have a hard time with not being able to. I’m also grateful when I just can’t handle some things emotionally (100% attachment parenting, for example), this is just natural and I have no misgivings about it. I also know and understand many women do have trouble with that aspect of breastfeeding. I also like that I welcome the opportunity to feed him and rarely am too frustrated about having to stop everthing else to take care of his nursing needs.

Milk Mouth

I love that I’m coming out of my shell, that I’m not having too hard of a time with opening up and trying to make new friends. I just wish I had more time for it!

I love that I’m FINALLY comfortable driving. This was a REAL struggle for me for a long time. If Kevin was with us he ALWAYS drove. More and more I’ll just take the wheel. It also never stops me from going somewhere that I want to go if I may have to do the driving.

I like that I’m the princess and the queen, that being the only female around makes me special, and that I’m not upset about being “all alone” as the only girl in my family.


I like that I can handle most of the kids shows. That when the TV is on I don’t get super annoyed at all of the goofy songs, and silly story lines. I can even sit down and enjoy them every once in a while with the kids.

Wow, this is getting harder and harder. My goal is to find two more things…

I like that I can still day dream. I think many adults loose that as they get more serious about real life. I like to daydream about places I’d like to go or live, and things I’d like to do.

I also love that I can have really detailed dream and remember them clearly for a long time.

I think that’s enough. 🙂 Thanks for reading.

6 thoughts on “Taking the plunge, what I like about me.

  • I like this post. It’s nice to get to know you better. I do think it’s hard to be nice to ourselves. I agree that you have nice eyes – maybe you could be an eye model ; )! And I love the nature pictures you took.

  • Jennifer Thomas

    Sorry I’m just finally reading this. Wow I LOVE your eyes too! Are they really that blueish green? That is amazing. I’m jealous. I have a very hazely green eye color and I even once bought colored contacts so that they would be more green. Oh well! Yours are gorgeous. I love all the other things you wrote about yourself too. And also I have to say your picures are really amazing. I really like the feet one, and then also the one with the water and sand….its like at first glance you can’t tell if its sand or water on top of water (does that make sense?). Very cool!

  • No, my eyes aren’t that green. That’s photoshop speaking, and my eyelashes aren’t that long/perfect, photoshop again, LOL! My eyes are kinda green if I’m wearing green but otherwise, plain old blue. 🙂

    The wave pic, hard to explain, the sand was bumpy in waves from tide going out I think, This is the water receding over them, and it’s so shiny from the sunset directly across from me, so if I tipped up the camera a couple degrees I’d be shooting the sun, make sense?

  • great post. You are such a great person and it is good to take and acknowledge to ourselves every now and then. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Joey’s foot picture. I have tried several time to get a similar one of Cameron’s feet/foot all wrinkly right after a bath, but to no avail my wiggly boy will never sit still long enough.

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