What this means.

OK, what Kevin officially being hired means is that we can start the house buying process, more than my dreaming and drooling as I troll MLS sites and just research.

It also means that we’ll have full insurance again, including dental and even chiropractic care!!!  Yippee!  So I need to get to work finding Michael’s old pediatrician that he had at birth, (apparently that part of the files in my brain got deleted somewhere along the way), and hoping they’re on our plan, and then making appointments for the boys and getting them all caught up, I took them in for overall check-ups in our last days in Houston, so they’re fine, and thankfully we haven’t had any emergencies, knock on wood, so we’ve been very blessed to have that part of our lives run smoothly.

As for life right now, I’m struggling with depression.  I was doing pretty well until Kevin got the job offer, I guess I was expecting some sort of energy to come and save me from life’s stress, and it didn’t and it’s kinda a let down for me.  I’m just struggling, I wish I wasn’t, I’m REALLY trying.

My lap quilt is coming along, I’ve got the fabric all cut out in 4 of the 5 fabrics I’m using, the backing, batting and borders are ready to go, but there’s this one last piece of fabric.  I bought some pretty remnants to throw together for this quilt (remnants are the end bits from the bolts) and I need to get 10 squares out of this one piece , but since it’s got a pretty strong pattern, they kinda need to be cut out from different areas, and even though there’s enough fabric for probably 20 squares, there’s not enough for them to look planned out and put together.  So I’m stumped.  I think I’ll go back and see if they have another bolt, and get another yard or two.  Or save the fabric for another project and use more of the scraps of the other 4 fabrics.  But there’s more green in this odd piece, and I really wanted more green than it would have without it.  This quilt is costing more than double what it started out as, oh well, it’s a good hobby and something I’ve been really wanting to learn to do.

Let’s see what else is going on.  The kids are full of funny stuff lately.

Aiden was told not to say bad words when he gets mad, so the new thing is to yell “BAD WORDS” whenever he’s upset, it was hilarious the first time, but is getting old fast.

Joey’s learning new words and that’s fun to hear.  He’s really growing attached to my Mom and my brother Jared, it’ll be hard for him when they’re not around every day.

About a week ago I went out with the kids and slathered them all with sun screen, because Joey’s hair is so thin I had to put a bit in his hair making it a little greasy and funny, as we walked along I noticed Joey had a row of strands near his part just sticking right up in the wind, I said “Hey, Joey, you’re comb over’s blowing up!” snickering to myself, aren’t I funny?  Michael one upped me “Joey!  You have chickens in your hair!”  Me, “You mean rooster tails?”  Michael “Yeah!”  There have been a lot of that kind of jokes lately.

Kevin’s doing OK.  His gut seems happy and he’s not been having as many migraines, so that’s good.

I think that’s a pretty good synopsis of the current going on’s, so I’ll leave you with that.

2 thoughts on “What this means.

  • That is pretty funny that he yells “bad words”. I hope that you kick the depression 🙁 It’s not like this to see you down. You’re always a happy person. Be thinkin’ aboutcha. 😉

  • Tara

    Congratulations on Kevin getting hired. That’s great! Maybe your depression is partly due to all the changes you’ve been through and will go through soon. Good luck with your house search! It’ll be nice when you’re finally settled in somewhere.

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