Summer Update

Wow, looking over my blog I’ve officially shared very few details in months.

Kevin got hired and that went smoothly, we’ve got real insurance that actually covers stuff, and doesn’t leave me worried about someone getting hurt or sick. I don’t know how we got through that! I’m still trying to remember who Michael’s doctor was when we lived in Midvale when he was born, I’m thinking I may need to drive to the clinic and walk in to figure it out. We really liked him and would be glad if he’s accept the boys as patience again. It’s weird to think he could be around 40 by now, he was such a young doctor when Michael was born. Sorry, off the tangent…

We went to Island Park and Yellowstone, had a great time, took lots of pictures, but at the moment they’re stuck on cards cause once again I’ve topped out my hard drive, I’ve got to figure out a better system.

We’ve got a loan secured now and are house shopping. I’ve gone out looking once, and have totally turned our plans on their heads and started looking again in a totally different area, so yeah, lots of changes coming soon. They say it can take as much as 3-4 months to get through a short sale, and pretty much everything in our market is short sale. We want to get through this at VERY LEAST by the new year to take advantage of the 2009 first time home buyers grants, not to mention that it’s about time for us to have a home of our own again! I didn’t plan on Michael going back to this school, but I think it will be a good thing. At least once he gets through this last transfer it should be his last until he goes to Jr. High.

We’re in full gear getting ready for school to start here really soon, that’s fun, I’ll probably spend most of today trying to wrap that up.

This last week has been crazy, not only have I been house shopping for real, my Mom went to California to help her little sister as she had her 4th baby after months of serious bed rest. Welcome to the world baby Jennica. The last I heard Jennica has some sort of infection and has or had a IV in her tiny arm.

Thursday night my brother in law’s best friend’s little brother passed away after a long fight with several mysterious diseases. Not only was he close with my brother in law Dallin, but his Mom has served as the Primary President in our ward, and was very recently released. She was also the chorister in the ward Choir when I was a teenager, and I adore her pure heart. This is a tragedy in many ways because they seemed so close to getting him better after years of mysterious pain and illness. He’d have been getting a bone marrow transplant any day.

Then another mother in our ward has been hit by frightening problems related to giving birth, and is currently in the ICU, a week after almost dying during childbirth, and then revisiting the problems lastnight.

My Mom is the compassionate service director in our ward, she’s ben battling dangerously high blood pressure for a while now, but lastnight she was just heavy and dragging. She’s going too fast, and I’m very concerned about her. We have a funeral committee (this ward has seen a lot of death over the last couple years, so we have good people and a routine in place), and that’s all taken care of, so at least we don’t need to worry about that running smoothly.

Prayers for all these people would be appreciated.

Wow. I don’t mean to be a downer, we’re doing well, and are happy and things are crazy, but good.

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