Conference, Girls Night, and The Newest Chef

Conference was great, I’m so glad I was able to watch and listen. I did get my answers. 🙂

I got my girls night lastnight, it turned out to be just my Relief Society President Margarita, me, and our 8 collective kids including a friend one of her kids had over at their house. I had a really great time and so did my kids. We got there and Aiden made himself right at home, minus his clothes, and rummaging through her cupboards… Silly boy, I was so embarrassed, but it worked out.

Today Michael helped me make dinner. He actually did just as much as me. We had pasta shells, alfredo with chicken, meatballs marinara, and garlic bread. He set to work helping me get pots and pans, pour and stir noodles and sauces, mix up garlic butter, spread it on the french bread, spread cheese on top of that, and picking dishes to serve people up on. I had a blast and want to make this a regular occurrence, I’m pretty sure he does too. He’s such a huge help. he’s helped with meals for a while, getting this or that, but this was the first time he was a main cook, it helps that Aiden was asleep and we didn’t have to worry about him getting burned or something.

I wish everyone an awesome week! Ready?

4 thoughts on “Conference, Girls Night, and The Newest Chef

  • Tara

    Wow, I can’t believe Michael is responsible enough to do all that already! I haven’t even thought of having Zach do much help with dinner…maybe I should start re-thinking that.

    Sorry I missed girls night with you guys! I was planning to go, even made some bread for it, but KC had to work all night. Maybe next time.

  • Sorry Nettie, we already ate. How about tomorrow? You can teach me how to bake and I’ll let you have all the baby time you need. 🙂 Of course it could backfire like it did for Sara and make the “I want to be a Mommy” need get even stronger.

    Tara, that’s OK, I don’t know about Margarita, but I had a great time, and we got my visiting teaching interview closed up.

    I bet Zach would love cooking with you, it’s a great way to bond and spend none stressful time together. Though Michael did his share of licking stuff, like spoons, hahaha, so there were a lot more small dishes. I had to keep a really close eye on him and give him a whole lesson on how to use the stove, and to reiterate that it’s an “only with an adult” thing, but he’s ready for that.

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