Painting Party!

OK, not yet, but we did get the go ahead to spend some time at the house cleaning, gardening, and painting (only the rooms with current bizarre paint colors so far).

Thursdays good news was getting things through the underwriting department, so now we’re waiting on the appraisal, and Kevin’s job to reply that he is indeed a real employee and making what he claims to make.  Also we need to get an estimate to see what his student loan payments are, so we can be sure to budget appropriately…

Friday brought the bad news that the house is indeed in a flood plane (there’s a canal running the length of the side of the property) which requires flood insurance, so we’ll need to be acquiring that and paying it, bringing our DTI up a little.  Yippee. 🙁  I’m pretty sick of the up down up down.  I guess that won’t be over till we’re moved in and settled, and then we get to enjoy home maintenance, hehe.

I’m working on sewing curtains, and mentally arranging our furniture, frames, and decorations.  I’ve collected a lot that I love over the last year, and hope it’ll come together nicely.

If anyone wants to come and paint or garden with me I’d appreciate the company and help a bunch!

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