It still knocks me down sometimes.

Today browsing the net I came across that funny wedding dance that took the net by rage about a year ago, you know the one that the guys from The Office forced on Jim and Pam in their wedding march.

It made me cry.  Why?  Because Kevin and I watched that episode of The Office live on our get away the week before- The week before his body stopped.  Back when our life was “normal.”  It’s been more than 6 months now.  Wow.  Our life is better than ever, never normal, but as normal as life gets for us.

We have a home of our own, finally.  I HAVE my sweetheart.  I’m not a widow scrambling to take care of the family we made together, I’m VERY blessed.  These boys will grow up in a home with both of us.  We have a chance to grow old together, and he to keep his promise of letting me die first (a joke we’ve had since we were engaged).  I have my love to toss my arm over in my sleep, or to warm my legs on the rare chance they get chilly.  Things are better in many ways than they’ve ever been in our marriage and in our lives.  Life goes on and it’s AMAZING.  It just still knocks me down sometimes.  Ladies, kiss your hubbies, Gents, hug and hold your wives.  Life is a lot more fragile that we realize.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to remember, and to know that we took for granted before.  I’m grateful that we’ve been able to get back onto our feet SO fast.  Our home FINALLY worked out, our marriage gets better.  Life is good!

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