Michael’s Baptism Day, my Birthday

My oldest Michael was baptized yesterday, on my birthday.

It was a great day with great people. Michael was a little nervous, but he did great. I guess at the last moment he locked up and forgot to bend his knees and sit like we’d talked about and practiced, so Kevin basically had to dunk him. He came up gasping with a mouth full of water sputtering “I’m OK!” Which cracked up everyone.

His confirmation blessing was wonderful. There were a lot of sweet blessings given. His Dad blessed him and Grandpa Mark , Grandpa LeGrand, Uncle Dallin, Uncle Nate, Great Uncle Scot, and our Bishop Allgaier were in the circle. Unfortualtly a lot of people had other plans, so we didn’t have as many people as I’d hoped, but we had a blast with who we had here.

Afterwards we came back to the house and had BBQ. We served smoked brisket and pork loin on Texas toast, barbecue sauce, corn bread, bbq beans, grapes, water, and lemonade. Peggy brought whipped cream fruit salad and a veggie tray with her excellent dill dip, my Mom brought potato salad and utensils, Scot brought yummy chewy ginger cookies, and Kirsten brought yummy carrot cake cups, and raspberry bars. Kirsten, my friend from High School who happens to be in our new ward, brought her family and they were the only none family members who came to the house. I’m so glad she came, she and I have a lot of fun together.

After people left and the basic food clean up was done it was shocking how quiet it was. I’d forgotten in a lot of ways that it was my special day since the focus had been on Michael. I spent the rest of my birthday watching shows, hanging out with my hubby, and then my brothers when Ryan got off work and they came back for left-overs. 🙂

We are watching the creek cause it’s risen a lot in the last 36 hours, and we’re worried about our house, or at least our yard flooding. I wouldn’t mind the yard, that would be watering the lawn without any work, lol, but once the yard floods, the house is in danger, and that’s no fun.

Now today we’re heading off to church, and afterwards our families are throwing me a little birthday dinner in the park. Sounds fun to me!

2 thoughts on “Michael’s Baptism Day, my Birthday

  • Marcy

    What an exciting day! I can’t believe I’ll be doing this with my oldest in January! Glad it was a special day, love the pictures…and Happy Birthday girl!

  • Jamie

    What a special and exciting day! That’s neat that he was baptized on your bday, and born on his dads bday. I hope your birthday was great- sounds like it was! Nothing is better then time spent with family! 🙂 Happy Birthday!

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