The Final Trimester

Jo Jo just turned three months! They’ve gone by fast, and I don’t think they’ve been “that bad.” In fact, in many ways I feel that Motherhood has been easier since he arrived than ever before. I don’t know if it’s the sweet spirit that he’s brought into our home, if I’m more stable or mature, if it’s such a relief to not be pregnant that things seem extremely easy, or if it’s just that I’ve resigned to the chaos. It’s probably a happy combination of the four.

Happiest Baby On The Block suggests that we look at a babies first three months as the 4th trimester. These are the hardest months for a new person as they’re still not ready for life outside of the womb in many ways, and just getting used to it in others. It’s also kinda like continually dealing with the residual effects of the pregnancy for Mommy as her body and mind get used to no longer growing the baby inside for this time. If things are supposed to get drastically better over the next weeks I’m welcoming it, thought I don’t see how Joey could get any easier until he’s a preschooler.

BTW, I’ve read the book, we actually bough it right as Aiden Dear turned three months old. It was three months too late. It would have been best read in those final weeks of pregnancy… It was good, of course I don’t subscribe to it in full (as I don’t anyone elses parenting philosophies) but it had some great methods and advice. It woudn’t have mattered much With Michael, it would have helped a great deal with Aiden and what little I remember now, over three years later has been helpful, but not necessary. Every child is different…

2 thoughts on “The Final Trimester

  • Jennifer Thomas

    Interesting…I’m totally into reading books right now about pregnancy and babies so maybe I will have to check this one out. I just bought the eBooks “Mommy without Pounds” and “Mommy Core Secrets”. Well…I was originally going to buy “Pregnancy Without Pounds” but by the time I got over morning sickness and got my appetite back I really wasn’t interested in cutting back on what I could eat. LOL Oops. That would explain the 45 lb weightgain so far….and also explain why I bought those other two books 🙂 haha.

  • I loved this book! And at 3 months, I personally thanked my little boy for not being a 12 month pregnancy! He was huge then, the thought of pushing him out made me sick!

    And for the record, we still swaddle, and he LOVES it.

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