More latent/false labor.

I went into L&D lastnight, this time I got a real room instead of sitting in triage. I went in having rough contractions every two minutes, with about 30 seconds in between if I was lucky… Of course as soon as I lay down they slowed to 6-8 minutes apart and got a LOT softer… Grrrr! I was then 5cm dilated, back to 30% effaced, and he was up at -4!?!?! station, so way too high. I’m positive that he’s lower than that when I’m upright cause he’s REALLY messing with my nerves, I keep getting zingers down my legs when he moves, but then when I lay down for an exam he comes back up… So they sent me home again… Ugh.

This morning I woke up with a migraine so for the moment I’m just trying to cope with that. As soon as I’m feeling better we’ll eat some fresh pineapple, and go walking at the zoo. If I get feeling really desperate we’ll go to the health food store and get some evening primrose oil capsules, red raspberry leaf tea, and possibly castor oil, shudder… I took castor oil with Mike and it caused meconium for him, so that’s scary, but I’m almost that desperate…

Please pray that something real happens soon. The doctor even told me that she hopes my water breaks so that we can all know for sure that this has to happen. I’d like that. She said she would induce, or do something to keep things going, but she’s just not comfortable with the baby not being lower… I can understand that, but Aiden was -3 station, 2 cm dilated, and 50% effaced, with him and he was born safely in less than 5 1/2 hours… I’m completely confident that once I get on the pitocen that my body can and will do it easily, but I have doubts in my body’s natural ability to do that all it’s own.

Grandma’s here now, and that’s nice. She’s helping out so that I don’t have to chase Aiden so much and that’s awesome. I’m so glad to have her here, it really makes this whole thing more real. I also finally managed to pack my bag, it’s in the trunk waiting to go now, so I don’t have to look at it. So that’s a nice feeling. All that I’d like to do is get a couple more movies onto Kevin’s laptop, and pick a few songs that I might like to labor to, so that I can listen to those if I’d like to. Oh and a few dumb magazines to brows through if I get to feeling I’d like that…

Wish us luck!

One thought on “More latent/false labor.

  • JennW

    Good luck!! I’m all for EPO and everything, but skip the castor oil! It was a nightmare for me too. I’m just jealous you’ve got ANYTHING going on, almost 2 weeks before your due date! LOL!!

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