The BIG birthday!

My little boy is now 6, and my hubby is now 29!!! Yesterday was a VERY busy day. In the morning I couldn’t sleep anymore once 6:30 rolled around, I was so excited for my boys. They didn’t share my enthusiasm so much, at least not that early.

We dropped off the big boys, and the little boys and I went birthday shopping. We got Michael one of those giant balls that he’s had his eye on for some time, a track, like a pine wood derby track but for matchbox/hotwheels, and some clothes.

We got home to chill for a little while and then went to pick up the cake and take it to Michael’s class.

That was a blast! It was so fun to be in his class for a little bit, and his teacher (bless her heart!) was so much help, especially since Joey and Aiden where quite a handful all by themselves. We made the observation that maybe Michael was “all birthdayed out.” He seemed excited, but was more interested in other things that were going on.

The Treat Baggies



The store didn’t have a cowboy themed cake, and the district has a no homemade treats policy, so he went with a monster truck theme.


His sweet teacher serving up the cake while I bounced a grouchy Joey. I <3 Michael’s teacher, she’s AWESOME!


The “place setting” as it turned out.


They only ate half the cake, and I did not want to take it home (it was good, just not good for us 😉 ), so I called Kevin and asked if I could bring it by work, he and his buddies happened to be out for lunch, so the boys and I joined them at “Chicken Wing” the place isn’t really called chicken wing, but that’s what they call it because they serve a complimentary chicken wing with every lunch entree. The guys took off, so Kevin kept us company as we ate, and then as soon as we took him back to work it was time to go get Michael.

After picking up Michael we all went to the grocery store to pick up the few things, every time I take them to the store I tell myself it’s the last time, but then I find myself there again with them…

As soon as we got there Aiden decided he needed to go potty. He went but had already had an accident in his pull-up, and THEN I realized that I didn’t have any spare pull ups with me, whoops! He had to “wear” a Joey diaper for the rest of the trip…

At one point he climbed out of the cart and ran off. I ran after him and chased him around several aisles before catching him, I HATE that. When will it ever end?

I got some stuff I didn’t have for Kev’s birthday pie and I wanted to make him his favorite dinner, so I got the couple of ingredients we didn’t have. His taste has changed a bit in the last few years so I took a wild guess and decided to make our version of his dad’s beef stroganoff over rice with a side of asparagus.

Michael noticed Daddy’s Favorite Beef Jerky (“Beef Turkey” as Michael says it) and asked if we could get it, sure why not…

When we got home from that I noticed the maintenance guy standing at my door, he noticed me and held up a new air filter and his tools, so I hollered to him to let himself in, I’d be there in a few minutes. It’s amazing with three little boys how long it takes to get in and out of the silly car.

By the time we got in, got the groceries put away, and Joey fed and changed, as well as a pull up back on Aiden, it was time to get Kevin. Sometimes my front door feels like a revolving door.

We got home and Aiden immediately showed Michael his gifts. So much for planned surprises, LOL! At least he was excited for him. 🙂

OH and a BIG announcement, our hot and cold on our kitchen sink are FINALLY on the correct sides!!!

We had a nice dinner, and I made up Kevin’s pie, but I didn’t get it started early enough to eat lastnight, so we’ll have it tonight. As soon as I put it in the fridge Aiden rearranged the fridge and smashed it, so we’ll see how it works out. I just about cried when I realized it was smashed, I really wanted it to be a good day for Kevin and Michael.

After dinner Michael came to me and said, “when do I get baptized?” Huh!?!?! We haven’t talked a lot about this, so I was a bit surprised.

I said “in two years, when you’re 8.”

He said, “in two years, when I’m 8” As if rolling a stone over in his hand trying to take it’s curves to memory. Then he ran off and went on with playing.

I think it was a good day. I hope my May boys agree.

Here’s some other recent pictures I thought I’d share.

Michael and the milk girl on their field trip.


Michael on the Merry go round on his field trip.


Joey’s morning nap before the Party on Saturday.



Buddy brothers holding hands.


Aiden, he brought me the camera and said “Cheese!”


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