Summer School

So here I was counting down, 12 days of school, until I didn’t have to haul Aiden to and from the car, several times a day, every day, at least for a few months, and when we could tackle some fun family projects while we’re all home, and then it’s sprung on me. Michael requires Summer School… 🙁 His grades are OK, but his social grades aren’t, and I guess that was reason enough for the school to make this executive decision about my child…

So now he’s going to school the whole month of June. 20 more days… Same hours accept they let out a half hour early every day…

In some ways I’m very irritated, it feels very sprung on me, I was making plans for in two and a half weeks, now they’re on hold until July 3rd, I deserve a little R&R too right?

In others it feels like a relief, I was starting to panic about keeping Michael learning all summer long, I was looking at computer program/games that would keep him going, and trying to come up with some new home school curriculum, so now there’s a little less pressure. I feel like what we already have around the house (quite a few reading books, workbooks and crafts), the online learning games I have bookmarked for him on his computer login, and a few “field” trips should hopefully be enough other than socializing him.  I guess it’s only 20 extra days.

I’m excited for him, I just hope we can all keep a positive front about it all. Oh and he starts on my 26th birthday… Happy Birthday me! Hahaha!

One thought on “Summer School

  • Tara

    Oh, that’s a bummer…you can’t sleep in for another month! Well, it does give Michael something to do this summer. I’m wondering what we’re going to do this summer to keep us sane.

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