A rough night.

Lastnight was our first rough night with Joey. Usually, so far, he’s seemed to have a cycle at night; eat, burp, poop/change, and sleep until he’s hungry again at which point I usually wake him up or he starts to meow a little and eat again, very easy when it comes to newborns…

Lastnight it went more like, cry, eat, cry, scream through change, want to be held, mommy hit breakdown critical, daddy (who was VERY tired after about 2 hours sleep the night before cause we went to bed very late, he took grandma to the airport, and then the big boys were awake for the day) burped him and get him settled down, lay him down, cry, eat, cry some more, daddy take over again, clean up blow out, cry, eat, cry, sleep for ten minutes, cry, etc… Hard night… We were pretty glad to see morning come.

The boys woke up early again this morning, but we did put them to bed a half hour early lastnight cause they got up so early yesterday. I’m hoping Michael is having a good day at school. This morning as was leaving he gave me a hug and said he misses me! Whaahh! I miss him to, we’ll have to make some special time together.

Aiden is being so cute today. He has that Monkey he got for his Birthday in December, we went to Build a Bear, and as soon as we got home the back stitching came out, so he got put away until we could get it fixed… Kevin and Michael went to build a bear on Wednesday to make Joey his first stuffed animal (cute dog by the way, named Remy Arthur Steele), and took the Monkey (named Monkey, LOL!), and had it fixed. Aiden’s been treating it like his baby ever since, putting it in the swing when we take Joey out, and making a seat with toys for it, it’s pretty fun.

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