What’s Up Anyhow?

OK, a friend posted this, and I didn’t have anything new to post, so if you’d like to, follow in your own…

“Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-word answers seldom help anyone out.”

1. First Name:

2. Age:

3. Location:

4. Occupation:
Stay at home Mom, and part time Wedding Photographer.

5. Partner:
Kevin, my husband for 7 years and my best friend for almost 8 now, he’s tall and strong, and takes good care of me. He’s always getting me drinks and stuff when I’m nursing.

6. Kids:
Michael 6, he likes playing games and drawing until the crayons or paper run out.

Aiden 3 1/2, he’s VERY strongly opinionated, he doesn’t like clothes, especially after they’ve gotten as little as one drop of water on them.

Joey my 5 month old baby, he likes me, and usually Dad, and Michael, and Aiden when he’s not having some bizarre tantrum. He likes being smiled at, bending his toes sideways, hitting the computer keyboard, and grabbing at things like my head phone wires.

7. Brothers/Sisters:
Jason, 24, living at home, sorta, long story that’s none of my business, so none of yours, lol.

Nathan, 20, in the last months of his mission in Guatemala.

Ryan 18, at home, he’s Mom’s techie now I believe.

Jared, 12, at home as well, he’s REALLY into cars, to the point that when he’s old enough to drive my Dad jokes that none of his cars will be good enough for Jared, but if he’s anything like his only sister (me) his car obsession will make just about ANY car a sweet ride as long as he can be alone behind the wheel occasionally.

There’s Kevin’s older brother Sam and his wife Sara, Sam’s going to be a Cop soon, YAY Sam! Sara’s an awesome pedicure specialist.

Afton is his older sister, she’s a Mom to 4 beautiful girls (apparently it’s only boys or girls in our family).

Shelly is 19 and lives at home and is going to college I beleive, she’s a smart girl who really cares about those around her.

And Dallin, 17, at home as well, he’s tall. Very Tall.

8. Pets:
None at the moment, unless you count my three monkey boys…

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
a.Kevin is working mega overtime trying to get some stuff taken care of, so I’m left being full time only parent all day long all week, by the end of most days I’m very worn out and cranky.

b. I’m trying to process the wedding I shot two weeks ago, I’m not having much luck considering the previous mentioned item.

c. I’m also trying to get together a photo of all of the sisters in my relief society to put together for roll. I’m down to less than 10 left, other than the new move-ins.

d. I’m going camping soon for the first time in three years, 7 if I had to stay there all night for it to count, another long story, this time involving a tent collapsing, and two boys who’d never camped and getting there after dark, so we were disoriented to begin with…

e. Ummm. I guess I’m boring.

10. Where and for what did you go to school?:
I haven’t been to college yet. I do want to go for photography or something once all my boys are in school all day. I do however support my husband who’s back in school and has about a year left before receiving his Bachelors. He passed another final yesterday, Yay!

11. Parents?
My Mom and Dad are awesome. I had trouble with my Dad growing up, mostly becuase we didn’t communicate love the same way. Now that I’m a parent though I understand and appreciate him fully, Thanks Dad for all you did for me growing up! (((HUGS))) My Mom is one of my best friends. I’d say second only to Kevin. Since I’m the oldest (she got married at 20, and had me a year later) and only girl we’re more like sisters in many ways than Mother and Daughter. I talk to her almost every day and look up to her in many ways.

My Father-in-law and Mother-in-law are wonderful as well. My Father-in-law has been a incredible example to my husband of how to be a wonderful, loving, kind, supportive, open, yet slow to say hurtful things, head of the house. He’s one of those men who is an expert on saying the right thing because the words from his mouth are seldom unprocessed. His example has been a HUGE blessing to my marriage. My Mother-in-law is so sweet and accepting. She’s very giving and always thinking of others and their feelings. She’d rather not do anything at all than chance hurting someone. She also really knows how to relax and appreciates beauty in many forms. I can think of few places as calm and peaceful as her living room late at night with the string lights across her fireplace.

12. Who are some of your closest friends?
My husband, my Mom, and my three boys.

Edited~ For further explanation see Kevin’s Blog…

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