Seeing ORANGE!

So…  Joey had his first carrots Tuesday, the night before last, and it was also the first time he’s eaten a whole jar in one sitting.  So yeah… 

Anyone’s who’s ever started a baby on solids will know what I mean, everyone else, enjoy your oblivion.  LOL!

He’s doing really well and loves it when I put him in his high chair.  This morning the big boys and I had waffles, and I fed Joey bananas.  I set down his spoon on the front edge of the tray and helped Aiden cut up his waffle.  I turned back and the spoon was gone!  I was sure it was out of his reach.  I peeked down in the chair and there it was on his leg and Joey was giving me a big toothless grin!  🙂  I’m glad I took off his clothes before feeding him.  I gave him another spoonful or two and then Aiden got upset that he was all sticky and that I wound’t let him turn around and wipe himself off on the wallpaper…  And I thought waffles were going to be easy.

This Mom thing is the best.  Hahaha!

2 thoughts on “Seeing ORANGE!

  • Don’t worry, my waffles got cold while I helped everyone else.

    Hahaha, I knew it woudn’t come so often because I’d done it before, but I forgot it’d be so thick, hahahaha! It was like,”Oh I can tell you’re wet, let’s change yo- Whaooo!! Guess I need the wipes. SOMEBODY PLEASE COME GET THE WIPES FOR ME!”

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