A Legacy Among Women

I know this wonderful woman, she’s kind, and loving and always interested in everyone in the best way, I’ve never heard an utter of gossip from her.  She’s never hesitates to call out to you as you pass her and give kind words, or stop as she drives by your home to chat for a little bit.  She usually has a stunning smile or a compassionate hug.  I can’t begin to give this daughter of our Heavenly Father the credit she deserves.  She’s a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, and not just to those in her family tree.

This woman is Sister Harrison.  She lives in the ward that my parents and in-laws share and is a wonderful friend to both my Mother and Mother-in-law.

And, she’s dying.  She’s leaving this Earth to go and be with our Father in Heaven and brother Jesus Christ.  She is on her last battle in a long fight against breast cancer.  She’s leaving behind some married children and some younger ones, the youngest only 12 and one of my little brothers best friends.

I’m heartbroken, Mama’s and babies shouldn’t have to be separate, and this world is not going to be as wonderful without her sweet spirit in it.  My Poor Mama and Mother in law, I love you two so much and I’m so sad to see you lose such a sweet loving friend, for now.

Sister Harrison was a Young Womens adviser along with my Mother-in-law when I was 16 years old. I occasionally cared for her two youngest children and her mother, who lived in her basement, when her other children were busy.  I’ll miss her sweet personal chats when I visit that old ward.  She was one of the people most excited for Kevin and I as our romance blossomed and we decided to get married, and she cheered us on through our courtship.  She bought me the shiny chrome canisters I registered for as wedding gifts.

My great grandmother lost this same fight close to 50 years ago (Grandpa Jay’s Mom for those cousins), and right now my Aunt Jeni is fighting her fight against this same disease.

Today in church we had an interesting lesson.  I missed much of it as I was bouncing my sweet baby boy, and trying to keep him from fussing, but the story of Joseph and Emma Smith, and their first 5 children was told.

They lost their first born hours after birth, then Emma carried twins, but at birth they passed away.  Nearby, another Mother gave birth to healthy twins after 5 other children, and then passed away.  The twins needed milk, and Emma had it, plus the father of the twins didn’t know how he could ever care for the additional babies and deal with the loss of his wife, and so Joseph and Emma adopted these children. 11 months later a Mob of angry men who didn’t like what Joseph was doing, came and dragged him out into the night to tar and feather him.  The draft from the open door lead to the death of one of their adopted twins.  So of their first 5 children, they only had one living.

How could they cope?  How could they keep going and stay the course???  Suddenly it hit me, it hit me hard, and even though the lesson kept moving, and the teacher was leading the lesson in a different direction I HAD to speak up.

Finally I was able to get a word in edgewise, and I said something to the effect of, when things get tough and we can’t understand the only real way to get through is to cling to the Lord.  That is the side that will get us through and bring us peace, he loves us so much and doesn’t want to see us suffer, but that’s the nature of life.  We can choose to be angry and hurt, or we can bring it to the Lord and let him give us peace and feel of his love for us. I hope I said it in a way that someone who needed to hear what my heart was screaming inside me would hear.

There’s a sweet wonderful sister in my ward who’s just gone through this, she had to place her son in Heavenly Fathers arms and let him go for now, and she’s been such a wonderful example to me and so many other people.  I hope she feels his love and can feel at least a little peace.  If you’re her, and you reading this, thank-you for your example.  Thank-you for your love and sharing your precious son with us and letting us give him a little love.  I hope you feel the love from us, and our thoughts and prayers are helping at least a little.

Anyways, I think this is long enough, but I just want to remind people, please hold your families near, treat them a little more gently, hug them a little longer, take a moment to hold your sleeping child and watch him breath.  And please take care of yourself.

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