Pardon My Dust

I’m tired of the blue lattice and tulips look.  So if you come along and things are, well, weird, you’ll know why.  Hopefully any weirdness is temporary.  Well, I could probably always be considered weird, but I think you gather the point I’m trying to make.  😛

2 thoughts on “Pardon My Dust

  • Thanks, it’s really growing on me, but it’s one of the WordPress defaults, so it’s temporary. It’s hard to find something that’s smooth enough yet doesn’t chop off photo’s (I like to have control of that, thank-you very much), or make it hard to write a simply formatted post, so I’m searching…

    I’m just glad to have a lot more control than blogger gives me, and it helps to have a geek living with me who can do what I want, he just needs to find time since his geek skills are in high demand, LOL!

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