Doctor Doctor!

Michael went to the doctor today for his six year check-up.  It’s true, he’s growing like mad.  LOL!  He’s over 4 feet tall, and more than 6o pounds.  That’s 90 and 95+ Percentile.  He also needs glasses.  🙁  But he seems excited about it.  He was very relived to find he doesn’t need shots, and then sad when he realized that meant we weren’t going to go get ice cream.  I’d promised ice cream to help him feel better IF he got shots.  He’s all excited to go pick out a pair of glasses that “look like chocolate on vanilla ice cream.”  I don’t know what that means…  I do know he wants brown glasses though, fine with me.  🙂

Afterwords we went to an organic foods grocery store which was a fun treat for me.  I don’t know if the kids cared so much, LOL!  But they got to watch as I filled a container with peanut butter straight from the grinder.  Fun to have peanut butter we “made ourselves!”  And we got some tapped local raw honey, yum yum!  Don’t worry we’re keeping Joey far far away from both.

We also got some fresh baked bread and cookies.  The boys shared a giant chocolate chip cookie, I got a Raspberry Oatmeal bar (doesn’t even touch Joy’s, I still need to try, photograph, and share that recipe), and we got Daddy a big Ginger Cookie (one of his favorites) which he devoured with delight when we picked him up from work, which made us feel good for having though of him.

So, it’s been a fun day.

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