Blogging Pet Peeve

OK, I love blogging and blogs for tons of reasons, keeping in touch, getting essential life updates, PICTURES, knowing family members I wouldn’t know anything about otherwise, getting to know what makes people tick.

BUT, there is something that bugs for me.

Music.  First off, please nobody take offense, I realize that this is mostly my problem.

OK, my blog checking style consists of a bunch of bookmarks, 138 bookmarks….  I have a bookmarks folder with ALL the blogs I periodically check.  This folder has a few sub folders, family, IRL friends, Online friends, and Interesting Stranger blogs, (mostly stuff like comic blogs, cooking blogs, and photo blogs).  Each section gets sub folders as they got to big to “Open All in Tabs,” like “Old Friends, Ward Friends, Move Aways, in my IRL friends folder.  Yes, I know, very 2006, but this way I know generally which blogs I’ve checked recently and which I might have missed for a while without having to click open one blog at a time.  It MOSTLY works very nicely for me.

Here’s the problem…  When I open say 12 blogs, and 6 or 7 have music…  See the problem?  It strongly reminds me of walking through the Logan Mall as a child and being assaulted by the musical competition of each store trying to out noise the other.  None of it sounds good cause it’s all so different…  And so loud that you can’t even think while you try to decide if this or that is nice enough for that price, or if you remember seeing something similar at Kmart (I never claimed to care about being a fashion diva).  Forget lingering in the halls for more than a minute or two.

So instead of quickly closing all the the blogs that haven’t got anything new, and then going back and reading and commenting where appropriate, I have to hit mute (sometimes I’m grooving to my own music and am a little sad to turn it off), and then go fishing around ALL of the blogs to first try to remember if they have a player, second find them, and third shut them all off…  So I miss the whole musical atmosphere that I assume was the whole point in the first place, and by then I don’t want to come back and check that folder very soon again…

I tried the Firefox add on that turns off flash, but finally Firefox got too bogged down with the application to make it worth it…   I love music, just don’t love being assaulted by it, I should try to open up a bit more though, like I say, it’s mostly my problem…

If anyone knows of a good alternative for this wordpress user, please let me know.  I don’t want to link all of my bookmarks, someday I’m sure I’ll get around to asking everyone if they care if I blogroll them, but not today…

8 thoughts on “Blogging Pet Peeve

  • I don’t like musical blogs either. In fact, I never have the speakers on unless I am watching something I want to hear.

    For another fun random blog, click on “Cake Wrecks” in my link list. Some of the cakes on there (and her comments) are hilarious! 🙂

  • Go look this up. It’s how I read all my blogs. go to This is Google’s RSS reader, and every blog service I know of uses RSS feeds now, so you just add the blogs you want to know about updates on, and it pulls the blog into a text area for you to view. You see the content without the blog design or annoying music or popups. It’s how I read all my blogs, and it tells you when you get new posts. Check it out.

  • Jennifer Thomas

    Are you in my head? Because seriously I’ve always thought this but never wanted to say anything. I hate music on blogs. Because like you, I’m usually listening to my OWN music and then all of a sudden I’ve got 2 or 3 different songs going. And, again like you I usually have a ton of tabs open and I have to go and find which one is playing music and turn it off. I’ve sort of got them down now though – knowing which people have music on their blogs and its the FIRST thing I do when I open them in a new tab…is wait for their stinkin player to load and for that mute and/or stop button to appear and I hit it.

    But I supposed the music players are good for one thing. There have been times when I don’t want to come up with my own playlist to listen to so I will go to someone’s blog and listen to theirs. but still. I really think that these players should not automatically start playing. They should be on a click-only play system.

    Thanks for posting this. YOu’re not alone in your pet peeve.

  • I agree with Matt, try Google Reader. I love it, because I don’t have to remember which blogs to check, and then get annoyed when they haven’t updated (like me!). I simply go to Google Reader, and all my favorite blogs are all in one place.

  • Manda

    Sometimes I get into the songs (like Kevin’s just now…) and then I navigate away from the page and it goes away.
    That makes me sad…=(
    So then I go back, and have to start the song all over again. DOH

  • Grandma Steele

    Interesting Kaylene! Mark and I an entry on my blog on Sat. (It was a “learning experience”.) This is interesting info abt the playlist. Remind me to tell you abt an ipod Dallin gave me. We’ll be talking!

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