Dance, sickness and Joey’s fussy.

I’m feeling a bit better, but it’s gone from burning sinuses (think pool water up your nose as a kid, always my sign I’m getting sick), down to my throat, it never moves that fast so I’m hoping that means it’ll be history by tomorrow night.

We had a rough night with Joey lastnight. He decided not only to be awake, but fussy and unhappy from around 1:30 to almost 4:oo AM. He then crashed until the big boys got up, and Daddy took him out to the living room, put him in his swing and he slept happily for a while. Tonight again he’s been less than happy about anyhting but being held a certain way and nursing a lot, he’s spitting up a lot so I imagine that his tummy isn’t feeling great, he’s thinking it’s hunger, and then he eats too much…. It’s hard to find a proper balance for him.

Lastnight we had a ward dance, it was really fun, I got to get to know a couple sisters I didn’t know so well before, and Kevin had a blast taking pictures as I took care of Joey. I’ve been asked to take pictures for RS, and the RS president asked if I’d help get together pictures of all of the sisters, and thought this would be a good place to start. I took about 35 pictures at the beginning before many showed up and then Joey got hungry, I fed him, came back, got a diaper, went back and changed him, rocked him, went back, and then he fussed for a little while. Kevin got to take all the photo’s… He took about 400 images. The big boys had a blast with the young women back in the nursery. They had two rooms, one for toys and one for projects. Aiden spent the night on the toy side, and Michael spent the night on the projects side. As per his usual he colored like crazy doing project after project on paper. That boy can go through a whole spiral notebook in an afternoon, that’s a lot of paper and crayons.

We had a great time, I’ll hopefully have pictures ready from that soon.

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