Happy Leap Year! and Kiddo Tag!

This is my 6th leap year, it’s so fun! I feel the need to do something special. and it’s a Friday too!!! Whoo hoo!

This morning I got up and for once I wasn’t dragging, don’t know why, maybe we slept better lastnight, or I just had a surprisingly happy morning. Usually mornings consist of me wishing it wouldn’t come yet, and then dreading the morning routine (taking Michael and Kevin to school and work, and then getting the boys back in if I don’t run errands on the way home). I just have a really rough time with mornings…

I have very vivid dreams. Very. Lastnight I dreamed that we were buying a house. Not just any house. This house had about 8 bedrooms, almost all of which had private bathrooms, and three of which had kitchens, as well as the main family kitchen!!! Hahaha! So there were basically three small apartments, one was the master, one was the guest, and one was for the oldest child or maybe a live in nanny or housekeeper. There was a jacuzzi spa in the loft on the top floor, big enough for at least 16 people… There were floor to ceiling windows, and in many places roof to ground windows. It was just a nice place, and we were getting ready to move in. Funny dreams…

My kids have been tagged. 🙂

Michael’s 8 things~
1. Michael LOVES to sit and draw and work with paper. He’s an artist at heart.
2. His favorite color is brown, cause “it’s all of the other colors together” and “all of the good food is brown, chocolate, root beer” etc.
3. He’s the best helper, he gets a lot of diapers, and is always getting stuff for his brothers.
4. He hates veggies and anything resembling them.
5. He’s a Wii addict. In fact spelling “Wii” was one of his first 5 words…
6. He’s always making noise. Wether it’s singing random songs, tapping something with his feet or hands or just growling, he loves to make noise.
7. If he’s not making noise he’s asking questions and expecting immediate answers.
8. He loves his square pillow, a embroidered pillow that Kevin’s Grandma made for him when he received his Eagle Scout, he sleeps with it every night and if for some reason it’s lost he has a rough night.

Aiden’s 8 things~
1. Aiden has a temper as fiery as a grenade, but can be as sweet as cake.
2. He’s sneaky and loves to raid the fridge, I’m afraid of when he’s a teenager…
3. His favorite Animal is a Monkey.
4. He likes to be on his schedule, going to the store when he wants and going home when he wants. If we do either and he’s not in the mood we hear about it, if we don’t do one and that’s what he’s in the mood for, we hear about it…
5. Any owwie he has “hurts” until the scab’s long history and the scar is fading. He just likes owwie attention.
6. He LOVES “Cake!”
7. He’s thinking about being potty trained.
8. He loves to go outside and tries to sneak out any chance he gets.

Joey’s 8 things~
1. Joey is the most patient child in our family.
2. He likes to be held and touched as much as possible.
3. He loves to watch his brothers run about and whatever they like to show him they’re playing with.
4. He likes to sleep. 🙂
5. He doesn’t like messy diapers.
6. He loves to sleep cuddled up to me and loves to pound me with his little fists in his sleep.
7. He’s working hard on loosing that newborn look.
8. He has hair that’s hard to tell what color it is. It’s brown at the tips, red in the middle and blond at the roots. It’s pretty much different colors depending on the lighting he’s in.

Tag to anyone who loves to talk about their kiddo’s.

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