We’re Moving!

And this isn’t just a move down the block!

Kevin has a job offer in Sandy Utah, he’s taking it, which means we’re moving, and that our kids will get to grow up knowing their grandparents and other extended family!!  We’re beyond thrilled.

Edited to answer a few Questions people are having~

He’ll roughly be doing the job that he was doing before we moved to Houston (new company).

He’s got 12-18 months of school left before his Bachelors (depending on what he takes on each semester), and we’re hoping he’ll get a promotion once he graduates.  It’s nearly impossible to be in his current position without a degree, so we’ve been very blessed, but we’ve prayed about it and it’s definitely time for a change.

Amanda, that was one of the hardest things about this decision.  We’ll have to find a way to get together every couple of years!!!  You’ll always have a place to stay if you come to Utah!  Send David our love!  (((HUGS)))

We’re very excited about Sandy, that’s where we wanted to buy 6 years ago, but obviously moved here instead…  I hope the dollar theater is still there! 😀  LOL!  We had many wonderful Wednesday afternoons there.

My Mom is thrilled!  It still hasn’t sunk in for our kids though.  We plan to be there by Thanksgiving.

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